A Life Lived Beautifully: Jessica Honegger

May 1, 2015  - By Guest Author

I am excited to feature Jessica Honegger, the founder of Noonday Collection, today! I was able to hear Jessica speak at the Influence Conference last fall and love the vision behind Noonday! Noonday empowers women all over the world to create and provide for their families through making beautiful jewelry and accessories. They marry women’s love for fashion with justice and the power of the gospel in a beautiful way! I have one of the spring line necklaces (the Sonrisa necklace) and absolutely love it! The jewelry Noonday makes is high quality and gives you, as the buyer, an opportunity to share the greater vision of this mission! I know you will be blessed by Jessica’s bravery to step out in faith and start this incredible mission.

Meet Jessica.

Introduce yourself like we are having a cup of coffee together. What kind of coffee/tea would you drink?

My name is Jessica Honegger, I am the founder and “chief dreamer” at Noonday Collection.

And I would be drinking a latte.

What is your definition of a “life lived beautifully”?

I think a life lived beautifully is a life lived with authenticity. That means knowing who you really are, who God created you to be, with all your little idiosyncrasies and flaws! A beautiful life is defined by being at peace with who you are and finding the places where your God-given passions meet the world’s greatest needs.

When did you start following Jesus?

While I grew up in the church, I didn’t fully understand what it meant to love God and be loved by God until I was 15. A mentor in my life talked about her relationship with God as if itwere a tangible, every day experience. This intrigued me and made me want to pursue a similar awakening. I began to pray and ask God to speak to me. God grew a love in my heart for Him that was nearly uncontainable.

What is your role at Noonday?

I am the Founder and Co-CEO at Noonday Collection. I wear a lot of hats at Noonday – from traveling the world to identify artisan/entrepreneurs who share our dream of creating a flourishing world to overseeing our creative efforts (like our Lookbook), to working with our design team to make sure all of our pieces are on trend and something everyone wants to wear!

What is the vision behind Noonday?

Noonday Collection is a business that uses fashion to create meaningful opportunities around the world.

We develop artisan businesses through fair trade, collaborative design, responsible financing, capacity building and long-term partnership.

Together we are building a flourishing world where children are cherished, women are empowered, people have jobs and we are connected.

You can learn more about our vision here!

How does Noonday use fashion, justice, and mission to support women around the world? How can we be involved in this mission?

We purchase handmade jewelry and accessories from fair trade artisan businesses around the world. When you shop Noonday Collection, host a Trunk Show, or become an Ambassador, you help create a marketplace for these artisans’ products. This enables them to grow their businesses and provide even more dignified jobs and fair wages for people in the world’s vulnerable communities.

How is the Gospel integrated with the mission of Noonday?

The name “Noonday” Collection comes from Isaiah 58:10 which says “If you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.” When I founded Noonday Collection, I dreamed of a growing business that would use fashion to create economic opportunity in the world’s most vulnerable communities. The name reflects our commitment to building a business that brings these words from Isaiah to life.

What are some books you are currently reading?

I am a big reader – so I’ve always got several books on my shelf that I’m in the middle of and that are speaking to me.

I can never get enough of Brené Brown’s books (Daring Greatly, The Gifts of Imperfection, and I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn’t)). According to Brown’s research on shame, mothering guilt and body image remain the two leading shame triggers for women. I couldn’t believe that after all the advances women have made to be where we are today, I myself have at times been stuck in this same trap. I am truly indebted to her teaching and research and as it has helped me move past these issues and more confidently own the story God has written for me.

More recently, the book Every Good Endeavor by Timothy Keller has had an impact on my life. As I speak, write, and lead, the fundamentalsfrom these books guide me. They speak to the value God places on work and have encouraged me on my path to creating dignified work for vulnerable people across the globe.

And another recent favorite is Playing God by Andy Crouch. This book is teaching me so much about power, which can often be a negative word. It’s all about redeeming the gift of power and how power is truly about bringing things to life, creating possibility and allowing the image of God to flow through our lives.

If you could tell every woman reading this blog one thing God has laid on your heart, what would it be?

You are an image bearer of God! Stop comparing yourself to those around you and know that you are perfectly made. Yes, you.

I’m passionate about women knowing and believing that truth, and finding security in running their own race. Each of us has been given our own talents and our own story. Let’s own that and stop this comparison game!

(above images of Jessica taken from Noonday Collection’s website/blog)

Read more “A Life Lived Beautifully” feature’s here!

And be sure to purchase some of the beautiful Noonday Collection jewelry for your summer wardrobe!

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  1. kate@milkandhoneybread.com says:

    Thanks for this feature, I really enjoyed reading it. I love reading about businesses centered around God, and using our skills/gifts to show our love for Him.I’m really excited to receive the necklace I bought! It’s from the India section. So cool! 🙂

    • gretchen@lifelivedbeautifully.com says:

      How exciting!! I LOVE India so much! My husband and I traveled there in 2013. It stole my heart. I am so glad you got a necklace from them! That will be a great addition and opportunity for you to share the mission of Noonday and more importantly the gospel!

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