The Highest Name

July 14, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

Reading: Philippians 2:5-11, Proverbs 18:10, Romans 14:11

Be Still And Know:

“Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earn, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11

Drink Deep From The Well:


I called to Him as the pains washed over my body. 

Jesus. I whispered when I felt I could not breathe or keep going.

Jesus, help.

Labor pains increased and there was no help. The medicine was not working and I could not speak, other than to cry out – Jesus. The darkness of the night had fallen and each second seemed to tick at a slower pace than usual. One minute would pass of relief, then another minute of intense pain. Jesus, help!

As the contractions grew stronger, so did my cries for mercy. I was unprepared for a natural delivery. After hearing stories from friends of easy epidurals and quick pushing, I expected to only feel pressure instead of excruciating pain. When we realized the epidural wasn’t going to work, the only direction I could turn was to Jesus. Each word I spoke was energy spent. But the only thing I knew to say in the moment of my deepest need was Jesus.

At the lowest moments of life, the cross seems the clearest. Jesus knows pain. He walked a long road with a splintered cross on His back. He had thorns pierce His brow. His back was lashed and beaten for our sin. His hands were pierced and nailed to a cross that we deserved to bear. The pain we experience in this life are arrows to the cross. Even in the moments leading up to the deliver of my son, my heart knew that no one could help other than Jesus. 

He is the picture of humility. Philippians 2:5-8 tells us that He emptied Himself of His deity and took on the form of man. He was tempted in every way and was without sin. He knows the pain we go through. He understands our weakness (Hebrews 4:15). And He is the answer to our deepest needs. Jesus.

He went lower than we could ever go. By becoming obedient to death on a wooden cross, He took on our sin, shame, and suffering so we could be His children. In this life, we have hope. “Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth.” Jesus.

There is no name higher than the name of Jesus. There is no name that can save us other than the name of Jesus. In Hebrew, the name of Jesus means “God saves.” When we cry out to Him, we admit with our mouths and hearts that He is our Savior. Jesus. 

His name is life. His name is hope. His name is peace. His name is joy. His name is salvation. 


Where do we run in our deepest moments of need? Do we bow our knees at the foot of the cross where love conquered sin and death? Or do we crumble beneath sorrow? Jesus has gone before us and paved the way for life-giving hope. Jesus is the Answer. 

There is no other name that will satisfy your heart. No other name that will bring you joy. No other name that will solve your problems. Jesus is the Key to freedom.

Say His name today. Jesus. Praise His name today. Jesus. Sing His name today. Jesus.

There is power in His name. May it be engraved on our hearts forever. Jesus. We love You.

Ask And Apply

  1. Read Philippians 2:5-8. How did Jesus model humility? 
  2. How does the cross change everyday life? 

Today I Learned

The name of Jesus is the source of our hope, joy, life, and peace. Call to Him. He is the answer.

Today I Will

Today I will bless the name of Jesus. I will go to Him before I go to my husband, family, and friends. I will cry to Him as my Savior. I will trust Him as my Lord. I will bow my knees, heart, and mind to Jesus.

Pray BIG

Jesus, we thank You that we can say Your name. You are life, joy, and peace. We love You and sing a new song to You today! Amen.



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