Reading: Philippians 1:3-11, Acts 16, Romans 12:1-2
Memory Verse: “For to me to live is Christ, to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21
The love of Christ compels us to write, to sing, and to share endless amounts of words that never truly wrap up the magnitude of His glory.
I wanted to close out our Well-Watered Women series for this season with a post on the spiritual discipline of journaling the Word. The journaling I am referring to here is not a diary or a method to self-discovery. The journaling I am referring to is diving deep into the ocean of God’s Word, writing down and recording prayer and praises, and memorizing Scripture through writing. The point of this journaling is simple – to know God more. I am excited that you are joining in with me and pray that your heart is stirred to spend time in the Word each day, hungering and seeking after Christ alone.
Two weeks ago we began a series called “Well-Watered Women” diving deep into practical ways we can study the Bible! You can catch up on the posts here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5. This week, we are going to continue this series with more ways we can not only study Scripture, but begin to live it out and arrange our life and our days around the truths of the Word. Today, we will focus on our response to studying God’s Word. We should not only be readers and studiers of the Bible, but we should also be doers.
Today we are digging deep into our insecurities in studying God’s Word and what the Bible says in response to our questions. We “drink deep from the Well” of God’s Word because only it can satisfy our thirsty hearts. In today’s video and post, we will first study the basics of why we study the Word and how we come to the Word.
At the beginning of 2015, the Lord pressed on my heart a deep calling to be in His Word daily and to learn to abide in Christ as Jesus commands in John 15. The specific call was to “love God’s Word more than this world.” It still sets my heart on fire just for my fingers to type it! As I’ve shared about this desire and calling from the Lord, I have had countless women contact me asking how this is practically done. How do we actually love God’s Word more than the world? How do we rise in the morning and only desire Jesus? How do we live as a well-watered woman who is satisfied in Christ alone?
(This beautiful graphic was created by my friend Nicole from bloomtheblog) This past year has been a blur in many ways. I began 2014 with a heart to make much of Jesus in Life Lived Beautifully, but I had no idea what that would look like. I began selling art prints and watercolor stationery in […]
This blog post was written by my sister, Kara Holmes. It describes perfectly the reason why this journal is called the Give Me Jesus Journal! In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise, Give me Jesus, I stirred. The dim lights of the hospice room […]
This blog post was written by my sister, Kara Holmes. It describes perfectly the reason why this journal is called the Give Me Jesus Journal! In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise, Give me Jesus, I stirred. The dim lights of the hospice room […]
We live our lives in the open, constantly connected, constantly allowing people into the deep parts of our homes and hearts that were meant to be sacred. This constant connection is exhausting and has caused many believers to lose their purpose and forge the value of face-to-face interaction. Have you ever been on a retreat? The […]