Well-Watered Women, Part 2: Why The Word?

March 17, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

We are grateful you are joining us for our “Well-Watered Women” series on how to study the Bible! See yesterday’s post on being “In The Word” where I share my own quiet time and what God has taught me and other women (read the amazing comments) on how to spend time in the Word daily! We are getting our hearts ready for the launch of the new Spring “Give Me Jesus” Journal’s and Proverbs 31 Bible Study!

Today we are digging deep into our insecurities in studying God’s Word and what the Bible says in response to our questions. We “drink deep from the Well” of God’s Word because only it can satisfy our thirsty hearts. In today’s video and post, we will first study the basics of why we study the Word and how we come to the Word.

Understand The Basics

The Bible is the inspired Word of God that reveals to us our need for redemption. It is composed of 66 books that are divided into the Old Testament and the New Testament. However, the Old Testament and the New Testament are not two separate stories. Rather, they are beautifully connected to reveal our depravity and sinful nature and our need for a perfect Savior. The Old Testament points to the New Testament and the New Testament points to the Old Testament. Dan Brendsel said “Scripture is not just a collection of energy packets; it’s a five-course meal. It’s not just a bunch of pearls on a string; it’s a chain strong enough to pull you out of any trial.” This is how we should we are to read Scripture. Instead of reading just one pearl at a time, we should read it as a chain in its entirety. Every verse is linked together.The Bible is one story of redemption! We study Scripture because we know we need to be redeemed and we long to know the Redeemer!

The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and the New Testament was written in Greek and Aramaic. Because the New Testament was written mainly in Greek, we can dig deep into the words when we study. Greek words have various meanings and a lot of depth! We will discuss ways to study in following posts in the series. Also, the Bible is not written in chronological order, but rather divided into the type of literature. Below are the different sections that the Testament’s are divided into:

The Old Testament:

  • Pentatauch, or the Books of the Law (the first five books – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)
  • Historical Books (Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1st & 2nd Samuel, 1st & 2nd Kings, 1st & 2nd Chronicles, Ezra, Ruth, Nehemiah, Esther)
  • Poetic Writings (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes)
  • Major Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel)
  • Minor Prophets (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi)

The New Testament:

  • Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)
  • History (Acts)
  • Pauline Epistles, meaning letters (Romans through Philemon)
  • General Epistles (Hebrews through Jude)
  • Prophecy (Revelation)

God’s Word is Unchanging

One of the main reasons we fail to study God’s Word is because we have no idea where to start! The book is big and a lot of the words are different from what we talk about in our everyday conversations. Without proper understanding of the culture and the entire story, we lose sight of the big picture and get lost as we wander around. The common view of the Bible today is that it has lost its relevance and is outdated. However, in Matthew 24:35, Jesus says clearly that “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” (ESV) The Bible never changes. Its truths are timeless and have stood against every test. All of Scripture has been inspired by God and breathed out by Him for our encouragement, correction, and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).The Bible never changes, yet it is always relevant to us. 

God’s Word is Useful

I love the word Timothy uses in 2 Timothy 3:16 in the Greek. He writes “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching…” (emphasis mine) It literally means that Scripture is useful. It profits us to study it, learn it, grow in it, and teach it.It benefits our lives both here on earth and in eternity to arrange our days around the commands and promises we find in Scripture. There is no book that has ever been written in all of history that this kind of usefulness can be attributed to. There may be books that encourage and teach practical truths, but no words have been “inspired” other than the words we find in the Bible. Solomon even warns us in Ecclesiastes of the study of too many books other than the perfect words in the Bible – “My son, beware of anything beyond these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh. The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”

Did you see that statement at the end? Your entire duty is to “fear God and keep his commandments.” We cannot fear Him unless we know Him. We cannot know Him unless we are in His Word. We cannot keep His commandments unless we study them. If you want to live out your duty to God, you must see His Word as being useful to your life! Paul David Tripp said in his book Instruments in the Hands of the Redeemer that the Bible is not a “divine self-help book” or an encyclopedia, but “a narrative, a story of redemption, and its chief character is Jesus Christ.” (page 27) The Bible answers our need for lasting change. We need Jesus Christ to save us from the sin that wrecked us! The Bible changes us from the inside out so that we look to Jesus for redemption and not our own works.

Live The Word

Because the Bible is unchanging and useful to our lives, we can study the Word in confidence and assurance that God will change us when we come to meet with Him. Isaiah 55:10-11 promises that every word that comes out of the mouth of God will accomplish the purpose He had for it. In response to this, we can confidently study God’s Word knowing that it will change us and produce the fruit that He wills. We have to do our part and come to Him. The beginning of Isaiah 55 repeats the command for us to “come” to Him four different times. Clearly God is giving us direction to come just as we are, without money, without anything to offer, and with a hunger and thirst so that He can satisfy us and fill us.

And when we come, the Bible also commissions us to go. We are to take what we learn and go into the world to tell people about Jesus. We are to go and do what God commands. We are to go and to “live the Word.”

Today’s challenge is first to meditate on Psalm 19:7-11. I memorized these verses with a mentor last year and they have been ingrained in my heart! Meditate on them. Say them out loud. Study them. And then live them.

The second part of the challenge is to “drink deep from the Well” of God’s Word. I have made a video for you that summarizes what we talked about above and also goes into more detail on how we are to come to God’s Word. Download a free PDF worksheet to use as you watch the video here: Well-Watered Women Handout, LLB Part One. There are additional verses and resources for you found on the PDF.

Excited to join you tomorrow as we talk about ways to cherish God’s Word with prayer!


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  1. I can tell that this is going to be an amazing series! I commented yesterday about how hard it is for me to get up because I’m not a morning person. But I prayed the same prayer you did after your basketball game, asking the Lord to give me energy and strength to wake up early, and I did! I’ve been up for over an hour and it has already been so rewarding and I was so happy to find that today’s post was already up! Today’s post will inspire me to get up tomorrow. I loved learning about different verses of seeking the Lord early in the morning; there truly is something special about that time and I’m glad I didn’t miss it this morning. And I loved the video– I’m a northern girl and your southern accent is the sweetest! I always want to say “y’all” but people in Ohio would totally make fun of me! On a more serious note, when you prayed in the video, I could feel the Holy Spirit strongly. I think this series is making the Lord smile as it compels women to draw close to Him and spend time with Him alone each day. Thank you for being used of the Lord in such a precious way, Gretchen!

    • gretchen@lifelivedbeautifully.com says:

      This made ms so happy to read! Isn’t He amazing and so faithful!? I love that He woke you out of bed to come meet with Him! I really will never forget that day that I woke up so early with His help. πŸ™‚ And that cracked me up about my accent! I totally forgot how much I say “y’all!” I am so grateful for you taking the time to write this comment! It is such an encouragement to hear from sisters in Christ who are seeking Him!

  2. Gretchen, this is so great! I’m so blessed by your desire to see women immersed in the Word of God and all the work you do to see it happen. I’m loving this series and am excited for more! Thank you for taking the time to put all this together! : )

    • gretchen@lifelivedbeautifully.com says:

      Lauren, Thank you for your encouragement today! This has been my favorite series to be able to write and share! I love seeing women get excited about studying the Bible! It is so incredible!

  3. Elo111@aol.com says:

    I love this blog and thanks for sharing for the next few weeks. Is Well Watered Woman a book or a bible study??

    • gretchen@lifelivedbeautifully.com says:

      You are so welcome! Thank you for your encouragement! “Well-Watered Women” is a challenge the Lord gave me this year. πŸ™‚ The challenge is to be in Scripture everyday and to get all my joy and life from the Bible rather than the world. Here is the link to the original post – http://www.lifelivedbeautifully.com/well-watered-women-call-love-gods-word/
      I am praying about another study to come out later this year that might go along with this topic!

  4. bearcubcreations@gmail.com says:

    Gretchen! Thank you for doing this! This is such a great resource and such a wonderful reminder! Thank you for taking the time to teach and use the gifts God has given you!

    • gretchen@lifelivedbeautifully.com says:

      I am so glad this has been a resource to you, Samantha! It has been so much fun to write and dream about! It is what I am most passionate about! πŸ™‚ I am grateful for you!

  5. mrsdcooke@gmail.com says:

    I am loving this series! The video and blog post were so thorough and the PDF is filled with so many great passages! I’m excited to take part of my quiet time in the coming weeks to really dig into them and let it all sink in. Such a graet overview of the books of the bible too – I feel like I learn something new about His word everyday! Thank you!

    • gretchen@lifelivedbeautifully.com says:

      Danielle, I am so grateful the video and worksheet were helpful tools! Just writing these posts has made me so excited all over again to dig deep into the Word! It has been a reminder to me as much as it has been something to share and teach! I am so grateful for your encouragement! I am right with you, sister!

  6. tippins.ashley@gmail.com says:

    Gretchen I’m loving this series too! It is so encouraging and inspiring me to become a woman daily feeding on God’s Word. The practical suggestions really help me too because a lot of times I think ideas sound amazing and I want to live them, but I often wonder what does that look like in real life? So thank you! My desire for His Word is growing and I am grateful for the encouragement I get from your blog and instagram πŸ™‚

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