Maybe you’re unfamiliar with Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent that follows. I was for the majority of my life! But this season can be a beautiful invitation to the believer to come and worship God as we reflect on our need for a Savior.

By Rachael Milner

Ash Wednesday

If prayer is such a beautiful habit, why is it so difficult to find time to pray? How do we actually pray continually? Why do we pray in the first place? We’re sharing some thoughts and encouragement on prayer as we prepare to walk through Breathe this week.

By Rachael Milner

Pray Without Ceasing

Our busyness should drive us to our knees. We can’t accomplish anything worthwhile, making wise decisions, or live with fervent passion apart from being people who pray. Prayer isn’t something to check off a list, it should be a way of life.

Too Busy (not) To Pray

By Gretchen Saffles

God, we begin this year knowing that we are not in control. We’ve made our plans, dreamed our dreams, and written our resolutions, but only You know what tomorrow holds. You are sovereign – the Keeper of time, the Holder of this moment, the Writer of tomorrow.

By Well-Watered Women

A Prayer for the New Year

In 2013 I tiptoed into the waters of being a Christian entrepreneur. Over the next few years, I had no idea that God would use that leap of faith to mold me, shape me, and chisel my heart. Owning a small business with the desire to make much of Jesus has proven harder than I thought it would. Since the beginning, I have felt the Lord clearly call me to do things differently, and, instead of following worldly business standards, to follow Him. The path He has taken me on has been anything but easy, however, it has been worth every step, every stumble, and every mountain we have climbed together. In the end, it has led me to a deeper walk with Him. 

By Gretchen Saffles

Shop Girl’s Code: Kingdom Led Creatives

True joy, in fact, is never found in chasing the perfect. It is only found in chasing the genuine life of following Christ. It is the road less traveled, but it is the only road that brings us to true life!”

post from my sister on her journey of infertility, receiving news of the unexpected, and chasing Christ in life’s journey!

For This Child I’ve Prayed – A Post From My Sister

By Kara Holmes

Breathe in really deep.

Now let it out.

Take a moment to simply stop. I know you might be a blog reader like me who skims and goes from one page to the next. But this time, I am asking you to simply slow down. I recognized recently in my own walk with God that I have been falsely attempting to spend moments of stillness with Him. In the busyness of church, owning a business, growing a baby and preparing for him to arrive in May, moving to a new home, and being a wife, sister, daughter, and friend, I’ve fallen prey to the “I’m busy for Jesus” excuse. You may know the exact feeling. Your schedule is filled with good things, but is missing the best thing – sitting at the feet of Jesus and praying fervently and expectantly in His name.

By Gretchen Saffles

Well-Watered Women, Part 5: Pray The Word

Last September, our lives changed forever with the taking of one test. I had been feeling unusually tired and my husband noticed that I would frequently get dizzy. In my mind, I just figured my body was doing its usual crazy thing right before that time of the month. Little did I know, something extremely different was happening in my body. God was knitting together a precious child in my womb.

By Gretchen Saffles

Pregnancy, Prayer And Praise

Meet Val. I met Val through Instagram. It is beautiful seeing how God unites His people even through the Internet and sharing of pictures! Immediately I fell in love with Val’s heart for the Lord. She created a prayer journal for women to use in their quiet times and I have loved using this as […]

A Life Lived Beautifully: Val Woerner

By Guest Author

I have been an avid-journaler since I was in the 7th grade. I attended a private, Christian school and had a Bible teacher who taught us about the importance of studying the Bible as well as journaling. Prior to hearing this, I only considered journaling as a sort of diary where I wrote down my feelings, what happened in my day, and anything else that popped into my head. Needless to say, there wasn’t much fruit from these diaries in elementary school, other than the fruit of laughter when I read what I wrote! My teacher had us start a journal in class that we used to answer hard questions and study the depths of Scripture. I began to see the importance of writing out my thoughts, thinking critically, and talking to the Lord each day.

By Gretchen Saffles

Journaling to the Heart

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