A Life Lived Beautifully: Val Woerner

November 7, 2014  - By Guest Author

Meet Val.
I met Val through Instagram. It is beautiful seeing how God unites His people even through the Internet and sharing of pictures! Immediately I fell in love with Val’s heart for the Lord. She created a prayer journal for women to use in their quiet times and I have loved using this as a tool! You will learn so much from her life and will walk away knowing one thing – she truly lives what she says. Be refreshed and encouraged by this sweet friend!

Introduce yourself like we are having a cup of coffee together. 🙂 What kind of coffee/tea would you drink?

I love iced passion tea in the summer and hot green tea in the winter.

 What is your definition of a “life lived beautifully”?

Living life with margin! I love the idea of having space in my day to respond joyfully to divine appointments or people that God puts in my path instead of letting the busyness and chaos distract me.

When did you start following Jesus?

I was 6 years old at music day camp. I remember them drawing on the chalkboard the analogy of the cross bridging the gap between us and God. I was always a good girl, but it wasn’t until high school that I understood what a relationship with God meant.


What are some verses you constantly cling to and bring life to your soul?

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 is my life verse. It’s simple, but says so much!

How do you integrate sharing the Gospel with creativity?

I’ve been learning recently, these totally go hand in hand. Praying for creativity and being in tune with God instead of just mimicking what’s already out there is a beautiful way to live out the Gospel. I have been consumed with the thought that if I’m not actively seeking God as I create, I may miss out on something the world needs that would point others to Christ. I think also just genuinely acknowledging the Lord for inspiring our ideas instead of keeping the focus on me, brings Him so much glory.

 How did God direct you to create the Val Marie Prayer Journal?

I have always been a big worrier and a bit of a hypochondriac so pregnancy was going to be a challenge for me. I knew I’d need lots of prayer to  make it through. I searched high and low for something to organize my thoughts and when I couldn’t find it, I designed it! 🙂 He changed me so much through the process.

 What life lessons have you learned in being a wife, momma, and owning a small business? What tips would you have for other mom’s doing the same thing?

We can’t do it all. We have to make choices and sometimes we even have to turn down things that are good for things that are great. Jesus was the ultimate example of this the way He took time to rest when He could have been speaking or healing more people. There will ALWAYS be more we can do. God has given us lots of time despite how we feel most days. He also gives us the choice in how we spend it. I definitely don’t always choose wisely, but being a mom now has forced me to see how much time I waste on unimportant things because time is more limited now. My tips for other moms tired of the chaos and the busy would be to say no to things. It’s plain and simple but has changed my life tremendously.


If you could do anything for the glory of God, what would it be?

I think continue to create products that help people in their walk with the Lord and to bring daily inspiration into the mundane moments of life through social media. Social media can be a negative place that brings out envy and materialism and discontentment with our own lives, but it can also be a place of encouragement and I hope to be a little light for Jesus there!

 If you could tell every woman reading this blog one thing God has laid on your heart, what would it be?

God doesn’t expect us to change the world on our own, He just needs willing hearts and room to work. When our homes are overflowing with stuff and schedules are jam packed, we have no room for life-changing conversations with a friend or eyes that can slow down and see someone with a need. Our pastor shared a great quote on Sunday that kind of sums up the whole idea for me. “Some truths are not available to the casual passer-by.” by Fred Craddock. We have to search for it, and many times we can’t search because we don’t have time to.

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  1. Loved this interview- so fun to read about what other women are doing for the Kingdom! So inspiring to me!

  2. Loved this interview- so fun to read about what other women are doing for the Kingdom! So inspiring to me!

  3. chelsea.tademy@yahoo.com says:

    I love this! Both of you ladies are such beautiful examples of God’s love. I hope to catch more wonderful blog posts like this one! Can’t wait to get both a “Give Me Jesus Journal” and a prayer journal of my own…maybe for Christmas? God bless!

  4. Chelsea T. says:

    I love this! Both of you ladies are such beautiful examples of God’s love. I hope to catch more wonderful blog posts like this one! Can’t wait to get both a “Give Me Jesus Journal” and a prayer journal of my own…maybe for Christmas? God bless!

  5. I love how you take parts of your blog and highlight others! And Val I love, love, love your prayer journals!!

  6. I love how you take parts of your blog and highlight others! And Val I love, love, love your prayer journals!!

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