Welcome to day three of “Life Lived Beautifully” Fashion Week!

By Gretchen Saffles

Fashion & Real Life

Today is the first day of our “Life Lived Beautifully” fashion week! You can follow along on Instagram, Periscope, and the blog each day. We will dive deep into how we can dress to bring God glory and magnify the gospel through what we wear. We will also talk about practical ways we can be creative through our clothing as well as have a few giveaways! This is going to be fun! Are you ready? Let’s worship through what we wear.

By Gretchen Saffles

Gospel-Centered Closets

Welcome to Life Lived Beautifully Fashion Week!

Life Lived Beautifully Fashion Week

By Gretchen Saffles

Four practical ways I strive to be free from my iPhone. 

By Well-Watered Women

4 Steps To iPhone Freedom

I jotted this down earlier this week while I was taking care of Nolan and feeling overwhelmed by all I need to do. I pray these words encourage you! You can print this image as a 5×7 card to keep with you or hang on your mirror as a reminder that your identity is found […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Repeat After Me…

On August 13th, heaven received a precious follower of Christ. Kyra Karr, missionary in Italy, wife, and momma to three beautiful girls, was killed in car accident, instantly taking her home to the presence of God. The news of her death knocked the wind out of many. She lived with purpose, intention, and a deep, abiding joy in Christ. In many ways, her death has sparked a revival in the hearts of many, including mine.

Fragrance. Fight. Forward.

By Gretchen Saffles

When you are sinking…Jesus is in the boat with you. 

By Gretchen Saffles

When You Are Sinking

The following post is written by my dear friend, Emily Riley. I asked her recently to share her story of redemption from an eating disorder. Women and men all over the world struggle with weight and having an incorrect body image. Most people struggle with disordered eating, but never tell anyone of the hidden bondage. We easily hide our image struggles behind a guise of “healthy eating,” exercise, and even self confidence, when on the inside we are aching and in a prison. It is my desire to bring light to this dark, hidden area. I, too, have struggled with an eating disorder and have found immense freedom that can only be found in Christ alone (read my story here). As we open up our hearts vulnerably, I pray that Jesus would shine brightly and lead others into a life of freedom and authenticity.

By Well-Watered Women

The Weight of Authenticity

The purpose of the “Give Me Jesus Journal” is to provide a meeting place for you to come with your Bible, a pen and an open heart. Devotionals, Bible studies and books are incredible resources, but the words of man will never compare or give life to the heart like the words of God do. In high school I did my first Beth Moore study and it changed my life. I didn’t realize how much treasure was in the Bible! Beth Moore inspired me to know Jesus like she did. If she could read Scripture and glean so much truth from it, then I knew with the Holy Spirit in me, I could as well. And you can, too!


By Gretchen Saffles

Is your heart weary today? Does your soul feel broken, shattered from the trials of life? Let us remember His nail pierced hands that bear the marks of suffering so that we might be able to walk in eternal life. No heart, no body, no mind has ever been broken to the degree of being unfixable by the hands of our wounded Savior.

By Gretchen Saffles

The Beauty of Broken Praise

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