Repeat After Me…

September 17, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

I jotted this down earlier this week while I was taking care of Nolan and feeling overwhelmed by all I need to do. I pray these words encourage you! You can print this image as a 5×7 card to keep with you or hang on your mirror as a reminder that your identity is found in Christ alone!

Speak the truth to yourself. 


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  1. Brittney Pruitt says:

    Exactly what I needed for today. Such truth to rest and be secure in… Reminds me of Philippians 4:11-13. Thank you for sharing!

    • says:

      Brittney, I am so grateful this encouraged you! Those verses are ones I go back to often. I recently heard Ruth Simons (creator at share about how we should preach the truth to ourselves every day. Knowing truth and believing it are two different things! I have been praying we would be women who believe and live by it!

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