Life Lived Beautifully Fashion Week

October 4, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

Fashion has always been in my bones. When I was a little girl, I played dress up and took what I wore seriously. At a young age I began helping my parents and siblings pick out clothes to wear and knew that I wanted to do something with the art of dress when I grew up. I attended the University of Georgia for college and majored in Fashion Merchandising. God has continually stirred a passion in my heart to teach women about the freedom we have in Jesus. The gospel not only affects our lives, it also affects our closets.

This week, we are going to dig deep into Scripture and see how the gospel affects what we wear, and we are also going to have fun coming up with creative ideas on how to dress modestly and purposefully! Here is a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Monday: Gospel-Centered Closets
  • Tuesday: Modesty & The Gospel
  • Wednesday: Fashion & Real Life (organization, simplicity, and making decisions)
  • Thursday: The Artist’s Palette (practical tips on wearing scarves and dressing creatively + a giveaway with FashionABLE)
  • Friday: A Life Lived Beautifully Feature on Dear Mushka (a gospel-centered jewelry company + a giveaway)

Each day I will share a Periscope on the topic we will cover. You can find me on Periscope under @LifeLivedBeautifully! If you miss the Periscope, you can find the videos here as well! Invite your friends to join us as we dive into fashion, the gospel, and your closet!

See you tomorrow!


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  1. Siena says:

    Yay! I am so exited, thank you for doing this, Gretchen!

  2. So excited for this!

  3. says:

    Thank you for doing this Gretchen! God bless you.

  4. Excited 🙂

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