Today is the last day of our 1 Peter study. My heart is sad to end this journey with you, yet rejoicing at the beauty we uncovered in 1 Peter! I am looking forward to studying more books of the Bible with you! Comment below and let me know what you’ve learned from our study […]
Years ago, Mercy Me came out with a song based off of Isaiah 6:4 called “Here am I, Send Me.” As a middle schooler seeking to follow Jesus, I sang these words with all of my heart! However, most days the opposite of being sent would happen. I would encounter trial, discouragement and the obstacle […]
There are over 30 million slaves in human trafficking. Women, daughters, mothers and children are being robbed of freedom and dignity at every moment. Around 20 to 65 million Indians women and children are trafficked in India alone. The numbers are heart-breaking and the task to end this industry seems unbelievably large, but there are […]
27 million. That number grips me. It seems unreal. But it is real. Very real. There are over 27 million slaves in human trafficking. Sometimes I even dream about them. Locked up without hope and without a rescuer. I often think, what if that were me? And when those thoughts come into my heart I […]