Standing Still in Grace {Day 24}

June 13, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

Today is the last day of our 1 Peter study. My heart is sad to end this journey with you, yet rejoicing at the beauty we uncovered in 1 Peter! I am looking forward to studying more books of the Bible with you! Comment below and let me know what you’ve learned from our study and books of the Bible that you would like to study next!

Grace. I have been a believer for 16 years and I still don’t fully understand grace. It is too wonderful and too perfect for my feeble mind to make sense of. Yet it is the foundation of our hope. Because of the grace of God, deserving sinners are forgiven. Because of the grace of God, I have been redeemed from a life of sin and destruction. Because of the grace of God, I sit here and write this blog post on the magnificent grace of God! This sweet melody rings in my ears as I type:

grace, grace, God’s grace, grace that will pardon and cleanse within,

grace, grace, God’s grace, grace that is greater than all my sin.

Peter closes his letter with an exhortation to stand fast in the “true grace of God.” Literally, he is calling believers to plant their feet in grace and stand still in it. The grace of God is the source of our joy, delight, love, strength and hope! Grace is our cornerstone to life. Each day we sin. Yup! We don’t go a single day without needing the Lord. We have been justified by the blood of Jesus, and we are being sanctified daily. The grace of God covers us, surrounds us, cleanses us, changes us and compels us. It is grace that motivates us to live freely, no longer in bondage to sin or guilt. Sister, no matter what today holds or what yesterday brought, stand still in the grace of God.

To do this you must stop. Stop what you are doing and think about the marvelous grace of God. Stand still in Him instead of running to and fro. The true grace of God saved you. I pray that the sweetness of God’s grace would sweep over our hearts as we close out this book.

As a way to remind ourselves of this study and the call in 1 Peter 4:8 to love without ceasing, grab a free art print file, desktop wallpaper and iPhone background here:

Desktop Wallpaper


iPhone Wallpaper

Love Without Ceasing iPhone


Also, one person will receive an original 8×10 of this artwork who purchases a Give Me Jesus Journal this weekend!

Bless you sisters!

Standing still in grace with you,


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  1. says:

    I am so grateful for you heart and the time you’ve spent pouring into this study and our lives! I am encouraged by your heart every day and inspired to live more intentionally, and with more love and gratitude. To see my work days with more potential than I usually do. I’ve been studying the word much more with the Give me Jesus Journal (thank you!) and praying specific prayers to God. I sense Him walking with me and I see His movement in my life. There are small things that happen that I just know are Him guiding me, even if it’s not a clear answer. What I loved about studying 1 Peter is that everything seems to be laid out so clearly. Like, this is the way it is. So much truth to soak up and write down and remind myself of daily. That THIS is what life’s about.

    • says:

      Sarah, You seriously are an amazing sister in Christ! Thank you so much for encouraging me and walking with me as we learn to love our Lord more! I can’t wait to see what God continues to do! This IS what life is all about. Let’s continue to encourage each other to hunger and thirst for the Word more than our daily bread!

  2. Sarah says:

    I am so grateful for you heart and the time you’ve spent pouring into this study and our lives! I am encouraged by your heart every day and inspired to live more intentionally, and with more love and gratitude. To see my work days with more potential than I usually do. I’ve been studying the word much more with the Give me Jesus Journal (thank you!) and praying specific prayers to God. I sense Him walking with me and I see His movement in my life. There are small things that happen that I just know are Him guiding me, even if it’s not a clear answer. What I loved about studying 1 Peter is that everything seems to be laid out so clearly. Like, this is the way it is. So much truth to soak up and write down and remind myself of daily. That THIS is what life’s about.

    • gretchensaffles says:

      Sarah, You seriously are an amazing sister in Christ! Thank you so much for encouraging me and walking with me as we learn to love our Lord more! I can’t wait to see what God continues to do! This IS what life is all about. Let’s continue to encourage each other to hunger and thirst for the Word more than our daily bread!

  3. Valerie Leonard says:

    Thank you so much for putting this study together!!! I just went back and copied the whole 1 Peter study posts to print out! You are amazing and your story is wonderful! I am so excited to get my Give Me Jesus journal in the mail!!! Thank you and God Bless! ~Valerie

  4. Jenn says:

    Gretchen, Thank you so much for this study! I have loved digging deeper into God’s word to learn, study and fall more in love with Jesus. You are a daily source of encouragement to me and I am grateful that I found you through social media!

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