Here I am, Rob Me? {Day 21}

June 10, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

Years ago, Mercy Me came out with a song based off of Isaiah 6:4 called “Here am I, Send Me.” As a middle schooler seeking to follow Jesus, I sang these words with all of my heart! However, most days the opposite of being sent would happen. I would encounter trial, discouragement and the obstacle of my own sinful nature. We all want to be sent by God, but we aren’t willing to face the persecution and death of self that comes with the calling. Instead, we live each day allowing Satan to rob us of our joy, contentment and usefulness for the Kingdom of God. When we listen to his lies and allow him to distract us from our mission, it’s as if we put out our most precious possessions and say “Here I am, rob me!”
Have you ever started your day with the most beautiful quiet time with the Lord, only to shut your Bible and immediately face problem after problem? I have to remind myself that Satan does not want me to live for Christ! He has no power over me. None at all. Yet I still yield to him out of fear. I still allow him to rob me of my joy when my plans get tweaked a bit. I still allow him to rob me of my contentment when I see someone with something I don’t have. I still allow him to make me useless for the Kingdom when I get distracted with my prideful ego. How do we fight being robbed by Satan? We cling to God’s truth and humble ourselves under his mighty hand.

1 Peter 5:6-7 says it perfectly:

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you. Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” (emphasis mine)

The two things we are called to do is to “humble” ourselves and “cast” our anxieties on God. We must have a proper perspective on ourselves and on our God to do this. The more we understand and believe in the greatness of God, the more we understand that we are nothing without Him. And the more we understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that He died so that we might live in freedom, righteousness and truth, the more we will cast every worldly care on Him. Why? Because He earned our trust at the cross. We are the ones who aren’t trustworthy or faithful. God has never failed us. His love has never ended or given up on you. Whether you feel victorious or you feel defeated, His love is holding you.

Throw your cares on Him today. Don’t allow Satan to rob you one more time of the joy of following Christ by being a worrier. Make a list right now of all you hold onto and aren’t trusting the Lord with. (I made one and didn’t even realize the things I was holding onto) You will feel immediate peace leaving it with God. He cares for you sister. Did you hear that? The God who created everything and holds the whole world together cares for you. He looks after you and won’t allow your foot to slip.

I don’t want to be known as a “worrier.” Being a worrier isn’t a condition, it’s a choice. Worry steals joy and that is not of God. He is capable of handling your problems and His will is for you to have joy in the midst of them. God lives in a place of praise. Let’s go there today.

seeking to praise more and worry less,


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