Our annual summer sale is here! 

By Well-Watered Women

Our Annual Summer Sale!

In just five days we launch the 6th version of the Give Me Jesus Journal. On May 5th, 2014 I launched the first journals with shaking hands. Never could I have dreamed of the things God was going to do in the coming years! With the coming launch of these quiet time journals, I wanted to share this post that has been stirring in my heart to release you from any quiet time myths that keep you from spending time with Jesus. I pray that you would be hungrier than ever to know Him more! Are you ready? Let’s dive in. 

By Gretchen Saffles

Unveiling Quiet Time Myths

Proverbs 31 is infamously known in the church as the “perfect woman” that we should all strive to be. Without realizing it, we have created this woman into a to-do list that no one can achieve in life. She has become the standard that is unattainable. We often don’t know quite what to do with her. How do we truly live out biblical womanhood in a world that is constantly changing? There are countless teachings that object to a woman who is submissive, gentle, creative, servant-hearted (as seen in Scripture and in the Proverbs 31 woman).

Women of Dignity, Washed in Grace

By Gretchen Saffles

Two weeks ago we began a series called “Well-Watered Women” diving deep into practical ways we can study the Bible! You can catch up on the posts here: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4, and Part 5. This week, we are going to continue this series with more ways we can not only study Scripture, but begin to live it out and arrange our life and our days around the truths of the Word. Today, we will focus on our response to studying God’s Word. We should not only be readers and studiers of the Bible, but we should also be doers.

By Gretchen Saffles

Well-Watered Women, Part 6: Live The Word

It still amazes me that today we launch the new spring Give Me Jesus Journals. It was just one year ago this month that the Lord began to stir in my heart the vision for the journal. Last May we had the first version of the journal in hand and sold out of the order within one hour. I had absolutely no idea what God would do with these journals and God-sized dream. It began as a tiny mustard seed of faith that God planted and is continuing to water to grow into a garden for His glory! With my knees to the floor and my hands lifted high to the Lord in praise, I am excited to partake in the gospel of grace with you as we study God’s Word together!

By Gretchen Saffles

Spring Give Me Jesus Journal & Proverbs 31 Study

Today we are digging deep into our insecurities in studying God’s Word and what the Bible says in response to our questions. We “drink deep from the Well” of God’s Word because only it can satisfy our thirsty hearts. In today’s video and post, we will first study the basics of why we study the Word and how we come to the Word.

Well-Watered Women, Part 2: Why The Word?

By Gretchen Saffles

At the beginning of 2015, the Lord pressed on my heart a deep calling to be in His Word daily and to learn to abide in Christ as Jesus commands in John 15. The specific call was to “love God’s Word more than this world.” It still sets my heart on fire just for my fingers to type it! As I’ve shared about this desire and calling from the Lord, I have had countless women contact me asking how this is practically done. How do we actually love God’s Word more than the world? How do we rise in the morning and only desire Jesus? How do we live as a well-watered woman who is satisfied in Christ alone? 

By Gretchen Saffles

Well-Watered Women, Part 1: In The Word

Change is the theme for 2015. My husband and I will welcome our first little one into this world in May and will be moving to a new place very soon to accommodate our growing family and a growing business. Walking into 2015 with little to no plan put my stomach all in knots. Being […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Rewriting the Story

(Above photo by Nicole from Bloom the Blog) A Call to Love God’s Word More Than The World A few months ago I was reading in Isaiah 58 and these words that God spoke to the Israelites sunk deep into my heart: “And the LORD will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places […]

Well-Watered Women

By Gretchen Saffles

Mornings are my favorite time of day. The earth is still, the coffee is brewing, and my heart has yet to get after its’ long to do list. I hunger after the stillness that can only be touched in the morning time. The reason this time of day is so dear to my heart is because it is when I meet with the Lord. No distractions, no things done, no one to talk to, just me and my Lord. This time is sacred and holy, the most important thing I do each day.

By Well-Watered Women

In the morning, when I rise {Part 1}

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