Rewriting the Story

January 12, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

Change is the theme for 2015. My husband and I will welcome our first little one into this world in May and will be moving to a new place very soon to accommodate our growing family and a growing business. Walking into 2015 with little to no plan put my stomach all in knots. Being a lover of plans, this has not boded well with me the past few days. We currently don’t know when and where we will be moving, I am in the process of dreaming up new products and studies for this year, and we are anticipating being parents for the first time! I have to confess, I have worried and worried and worried these past few days. Joy has put it’s fists up against the fight to worry instead of pray and trust, but I have yielded many times recently to the fight.
You may be beginning this year with expected changes coming as well and the same familiar knots in your tummy. You may know all too well the shortness of breath and panic and when the plans aren’t clearer and the dates are getting closer. Even more-so, you may have decided this would be the year you dream new dreams and actually pursue them and you’ve had a mini panic attack each time you look at the words you dared to write on paper. If this is you or if you are in another category, know that you are not alone. Recognizing where we are is an important part in becoming more like Christ. Being able to see our sin as it is through the lens of the gospel is key to walking in freedom.

The truth that the gospel opened my eyes to this morning was this:

I am not the main character of this story.

I see all over Instagram well-meaning posts that encourage women to pursue dreams and live a great story and intentional life. Very rarely do I see these partnered with the gospel. My fear in posting about dreaming big is that we would place ourselves and our dreams on a pedestal. When we do this, we miss the whole point! When I was in high school, I took part in most of the school plays. I loved the art of acting and drama. My first main role was Lucy in the play Narnia. Being a 7th grader with a big role in the play, I put all my energy and effort into begin the best little actress I could be! I remember vividly listening to tapes and practicing my British accent while I would take baths at night. I loved every minute of it.

You may know the story of the Chronicles of Narnia, but here is a quick refresher. Lucy and her brothers and sister find a mysterious wardrobe that they enter through into the kingdom of Narnia. The kingdom is under a terrible curse by the White Witch and there is a perpetual winter on the land. However, Lucy and her siblings quickly learn that there is only one who can rescue Narnia – Aslan, the great and mighty lion! The book, Narnia, was written by C.S. Lewis as an allegory to point to Jesus as our Savior! Even though I had a role in the play, I wasn’t the main character. I did all I could to be the best at the part I was assigned, but the main character of the story was Aslan.

Role Reversal

Most of us live our lives trying to reverse the roles. We think we are the main character of the story and live like it. We plan our plans, dreams our dreams, live our lives without any prayer or gospel-centered vision attached to it. We try to commandeer the main role and get all the applause. In doing so, we miss the abundant life that Jesus promises us in John 10:10. This is exactly what happened in Genesis 3 when the serpent was talking to Eve. He convinced her that God was lying to her and to Adam and that she could be like God. When Eve took a bite of the forbidden fruit, thinking it would give her wisdom like God, she lost her perfect innocence and was covered in the mire of sin.

Satan’s ways haven’t changed since the garden. He is still trying to convince us we need a role reversal in life to be truly happy. He knows that when we follow God, worshipping Him and delighting in Him, that we will have true joy and life to the full. Reversing the roles leads to a life of chasing perfection that is endless. Jesus came so that we could have a new role in the Kingdom of God as His very own children. There couldn’t be a greater role we could ever be given.

 Embrace Your Part

God has a calling on each one of our lives. No matter who you are, where you live or how you have been gifted, you calling is to make much of Jesus in whatever you say and do and to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. If you are struggling to understand your calling, take a minute to read through these verses and be reminded of the gospel truth that we have been saved from our wretched lives apart from God and given the promise of eternal life with Him always. Just writing that kind of takes my breath away!

  • “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4
  • “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21
  • “And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23
  • “I will praise the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.” Psalm 146:3
  • “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31
  • “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” Colossians 3:23
  • “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!” Psalm 103:1
  • “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ…” Philippians 1:27

Those are just a few verses that state our calling as believers and followers of Jesus. You have a part in this story. Your part is to follow Jesus with every fiber of your being, to do your work for the Lord, and to share the gospel with the nations. God created you in a unique way with gifting and talent that is special and purposeful. To ignore those is to ignore your part. To use them for the glory of God is to embrace it!

Live With The End In Mind

We know the end of this story. We have the Bible to live by and get our hope from. Revelation is an incredible picture of the events that are to come. And, guess what? Jesus wins! We have no need to fear, worry or doubt in this life because we know the One who conquers. And He is conquerer today in your life. Revelation 22 gives me chills:

“He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.” 

Did you read that? He is coming soon! He has given us grace. He has called us to long for His coming and live with eternity in mind! This life is just a brief speck on eternity. Let’s live our roles praising Jesus and delighting in Him with an expectancy rooted deep in our hearts of the glorious joy to come when we are with Him forever.

Let’s let God rewrite our stories and embrace our roles as His children, the supporting characters. After all, I know how the story ends and the thought of seeing my King one day and hearing Him call me His is enough to keep me on my knees and praising for all eternity.

living with all I’ve got,


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  1. Great post Gretchen!

  2. Sarah says:

    Great post Gretchen!

  3. Anonymous says:

    […] Change is the theme for 2015. My husband and I …read more       […]

  4. […] Change is the theme for 2015. My husband and I …read more       […]

  5. Yes and amen to all of this. So encouraged by the wisdom and humility in your words, sweet friend.

  6. Jessica says:

    Yes and amen to all of this. So encouraged by the wisdom and humility in your words, sweet friend.

  7. This is exactly what I needed to hear today! Thank you so much!

  8. Heather says:

    This is exactly what I needed to hear today! Thank you so much!

  9. says:

    Gretchen, thank you so much for this amazing word!!! I needed to be reminded of this today! Thank you for your obedience to the Lord and for sharing it with us!!

  10. Michelle says:

    Gretchen, thank you so much for this amazing word!!! I needed to be reminded of this today! Thank you for your obedience to the Lord and for sharing it with us!!

  11. This is a great post for my life today, I love it Gretchen! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  12. Jessica says:

    This is a great post for my life today, I love it Gretchen! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  13. says:

    Oh Gretchen! This is so what I needed. The truth and wisdom in this post is so encouraging. As I face decisions about my future, it is such a good reminder that it is not about ME but about bringing God glory. Thank you for this post, friend!!!

  14. Abby Brooks says:

    Oh Gretchen! This is so what I needed. The truth and wisdom in this post is so encouraging. As I face decisions about my future, it is such a good reminder that it is not about ME but about bringing God glory. Thank you for this post, friend!!!

  15. I know I’m echoing pretty much all of the comments, but this is exactly what I needed to read! Been struggling between trying to get college work done, and setting myself up for what I want to do as a career for my life, I’ve forgotten to sit and chat with God. To spend time with him, and trusting him with it all. He is the main character.
    Thank you Gretchen 🙂 xxxx

  16. Lav says:

    I know I’m echoing pretty much all of the comments, but this is exactly what I needed to read! Been struggling between trying to get college work done, and setting myself up for what I want to do as a career for my life, I’ve forgotten to sit and chat with God. To spend time with him, and trusting him with it all. He is the main character.
    Thank you Gretchen 🙂 xxxx

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