Christmas Collection

November 6, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

When I first began Life Lived Beautifully, I had a lot of big dreams. I journaled and wrote them down and tucked them away in a safe place. Fear almost kept me from walking in faithfulness. But God has been so patient and gracious to teach me that dreams are not about us, they are about Him. The ideas He places on our hearts are not for our glory, but His. With each new tool that He has laid on my heart to create, He has also scrubbed my soul so He can be reflected more clearly. This is our prayer in each product launch – that Christ would be seen more clearly in us. We pray that each item you see in the Life Lived Beautifully Shop stirs your affections for Christ. We don’t create just to add something pretty to your bedside table or in your cabinet.

We create to point you to Jesus who satisfies your soul. 

This Christmas Collection is a testimony of God’s faithfulness. He provided the time, energy, and creativity to create these tools and we are in awe that they are here. We are excited to introduce you to three new items in the shop: The “Live Life Beautifully” Journal, The “Reflections” Journal, and the “live life beautifully for the glory of God” travel mug

The Live Life Beautifully Journal

 We had the privilege of working with   Sarah Kim   to hand-letter the cover!

We had the privilege of working with Sarah Kim to hand-letter the cover!

The new “live life beautifully” journal is a reminder that life is not about us, and that by living for Jesus, we will truly live in abundance. Knowing that life is not about me is freeing. It brings joy, peace, and purpose to my days. I pray that as you use this journal is a tool to help you craft your days for what matters eternally. This is the second year we have sold this journal in the shop and are excited to see the ways God uses it in our lives! 

The “Live Life Beautifully” journal is a 52-week journal designed for 2016. This journal is undated and can be started at anytime. It is intentionally designed to encourage you to follow Christ throughout this next year, living adventurously and with purpose, praying with deep faith and condition, looking for ways to serve others and serve Jesus, and being aware of what God is constantly doing around you. Simply put, this journal is an encouragement to live like Christ and pursue Him as well as record the things He is doing in your life. 

The beginning of the journal takes you on a journey of writing out your story and defining your “life lived beautifully” mission statement. Each question has been crafted to help guide you and direct you to know where God has skilled you and what He has called you to do. 

After you’ve created your own “life lived beautifully” mission statement, there are a series of pages for you to fill out on things you will try, do, and dream for the next year. This section is based off of Jay Strack’s quote –

“You will be the same person ten years from now except for the books you read, the places you go, the people you meet, and the scripture you memorize.”

A few of these sections include: books I will read this year, places I will go, relationships I will invest in, salvations I will pray for, Scripture I will memorize, and adventures I will have.

The following pages are the weekly portions you will fill out. Each week of the year, you will use this journal to write down and record ways you will “live life beautifully,” what God is doing, unexpected blessings and answered prayers. This journal will be an accountability, encouragement, and record of the incredible ways God works in our day to day. At the end of the year, there are recap questions and places to write down what you learned. My prayer is that this journal becomes a book of praise for us to see what God is doing and live faithfully to the mission of sharing the gospel!

Reflections Journal

The Reflections Journal is a men’s quiet time journal that is a companion to the Give Me Jesus Journal. This journal is a 60-day journal that has two pages of journaling per day with a breakdown to help men open the Word and study it. This journal is gender neutral and can also be used by women who desire a simpler format for study!

The daily sections for this journal include:

  • Date & Scripture/Topic you are studying as well as a verse or quote for the day.
  • Reading/Context
  • Ask & Apply
  • Prayer
  • God’s Grace – a space to write down an evidence of God’s grace in your life.

 Mason Jar coffee mug is from  Field Treasure Designs. 

Mason Jar coffee mug is from Field Treasure Designs. 

Live Life Beautifully Travel Mug

Lastly, we created a travel mug to serve as a reminder to you as you go throughout your day to “live life beautifully for the glory of God.” You can purchase this in a bundle with the LLB Journal for a discount!

We pray the new collection blesses you and reminds you that this life we live has value. It is about Jesus, and learning that as we surrender our moments to Him and live for His glory…we are truly living life beautifully. 

Shop the Christmas Collection here!

with love and grace,

Gretchen + the LLB team

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  1. Yay! The Life Lived Beautifully journal cover is so beautiful Gretchen, as is the heart behind each of these products 🙂

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