Noticing the Invisible on Mother’s Day

May 8, 2017  - By Gretchen Saffles

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching us and each year when this day comes around my heart becomes tender for the women who are hurting. Mother’s Day is not only a day we celebrate our mamas, but it is also a day we love those who are mourning a loss, desiring a baby, or feeling left out. There are women who have suffered miscarriages, women who have wayward children, women who are orphans, women who are grieving losing their mamas, and women who are mourning the loss of a child. You may be reading this and immediately identify with one of those descriptions, or you may be thinking about a woman who needs encouragement to her weary soul.

This Mother’s Day, what if we approached it differently? What if we gave to those who aren’t expecting something? What if we noticed our neighbors, fellow church members, and friends? Many women, daughters, and girls feel invisible on Mother’s Day. Ask God to open your eyes to the one who might feel invisible and offer them hope. This Mother’s Day, let’s bless someone else in the name of Jesus.

Every item that we have created in the Life Lived Beautifully Shop is for your encouragement and equipping in Christ. We prayerfully dream up products, studies, and journals to stir your affections for Christ and fill your days with gospel-reminders to live for Him. We pray that these products not only fill your homes, but that they become an avenue you use to share Jesus with others.

Today is the last day to purchase from the shop to get your gifts in time for Mother’s Day! Our challenge to you this day is to think of someone in your church or community who you can bless with a meaningful, Christ-exalting gift. It could be a widow, a friend struggling with infertility, a woman mourning a loss, or a young girl without a mama. Think creatively and purposefully of who might be aching this Mother’s Day and offer them hope by seeing them. 

Use the coupon code MOTHERSDAY10 to receive 10% off your order of a Give Me Jesus bracelet or Amen necklace from the shop through May 8th at 11:59 PM EDT. 

You never know what a small gift of love could do to impact their lives and remind them that Jesus loves them dearly. Let’s get creative and bless others in the same way that we have been blessed in Christ.

And to all the mamas out there and women who feel invisible…we see you, we appreciate you, and we are praying for you. More importantly, God sees you and loves you with an infinite love. We pray that you find rescue and rest in His grace.

your sister,


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  1. says:

    I really loved this article. Every year I feel that Mothers Day is becoming even more commercialized, but this, THIS is showing a new perspective and growing an area that is much needed among God’s people. Thank you!

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