“Live Life Beautifully” Shirts!

March 1, 2016  - By Well-Watered Women

When I first started Life Lived Beautifully, the Lord gave me a vision to see women live with purpose and intention for His glory. Life Lived Beautifully is not about living the “perfect” life, but about being obedient to the call of Christ to daily take up our crosses and follow Him. It’s about loving Jesus with reckless abandon and serving Him with every ounce of energy we have been given. It is about living in the fullness and abundance He came to give us. The purpose of the new “live life beautifully” shirt is to be a beautiful, physical reminder of this truth and mission. I pray these shirts are also an opportunity for you to share Christ with those who ask about them.

We partnered with our friend, Sarah Kim Lettering + Design, and she did an incredible job hand-lettering the logo for the shirt! You can read more of Sarah’s heart for Jesus and love for creativity in her “A Life Lived Beautifully” feature here. May we not only wear these shirts but live out the mission that Jesus has given us to go into all the nations and share the gospel!

You can pre-order your shirts here at a discounted price through Sunday, March 6th!

living life beautifully for His glory,


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