He Before Me

January 19, 2017  - By Well-Watered Women

She woke up feeling distracted, with a weight heavy upon her heart. Insecurities followed her as she walked to the place she meets with the Lord, whispering lies into her heart.

She opened up the Word, but didn’t have a desire to sit and read. Her mind was too distracted with what the day would entail and how tired she was.

She set her Bible back down and picked up her phone, flipping through social media, with more insecurities swirling around her.

She set the phone back down, realizing that no joy could be found there and picked back up the Word.

And then He met her there.

In the midst of her insecurities, her distracted heart, and her sleepy eyes, He came with truth, redemption, and purpose.

A day that started out looking in the wrong direction was redirected to look to Jesus – the true source of joy.

She left that time in the Word grateful for grace upon grace and for new beginnings, even after the day has already started.

The “she” in this story is me today, but it could also have been you. You could have walked away from time in the Word and chosen other things. You could be dealing with comparison right this instant. But He is faithful to meet you right where you are. He flips a bad morning upside down and gives new mercies. Look to Him today, the Author of Life, for peace, perspective, and perseverance.

Put “He” before me today.

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  1. Julie@SemsFamily.com says:

    Needed this today…thank you…

  2. K says:

    This is me today

  3. Ashley Ziegler says:

    I really needed to read this today. Thank you <3

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