Well - Watered



Week One, Day Three

Reading: Philippians 1:12-182 Corinthians 11:23-30

Memory Verse: “What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice.” Philippians 1:19

Reading: Philippians 1:3-11, Acts 16, Romans 12:1-2

Memory Verse: “For to me to live is Christ, to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21

This week we are going to begin studying the book of Philippians on Instagram. Each morning I will share what I studied and would love for you to share as well! Each week I will put up one blog post with information about the book and our study. My goal in studying the book of Philippians is to learn more about Jesus Christ and the life He has granted us to live through His death on the cross. Jesus should be at the center of our lives, but what does that mean? How do we live with Him being our goal, our prize, and our joy? My heart is full and expectant at the work God is going to do in us as we open up His Word daily.


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