Well - Watered



Several years ago I started to notice a nagging toothache. I tried to ignore it, hoping it would resolve on its own. The pain stuck around, but I kept putting off a trip to the dentist. I imagined I would need a filling—or worse, a root canal—and the thought of an uncomfortable and potentially expensive […]

[This article is an excerpt from chapter 11 of The Well-Watered Woman. Today, April 6, marks two years since the launch of the book, and to celebrate God’s faithfulness, all things The Well-Watered Woman are on sale this week! Shop the Book Anniversary Collection in the Well-Watered Co.]    After my first panic attack, I […]

I sat on the edge of my seat, listening to the youth conference speaker describe the new Christian life. The night before, while the band played an emotional song about trusting Jesus, the speaker had invited students to come forward to “give their lives to Jesus.” This morning, in a room full of sweaty teens […]

[This article is one of the 31 devotionals in our new resource, Refreshed: A Devotional for Women in Dry Seasons. Through Scripture, 31 devotionals, application questions, and spiritual disciplines, Refreshed will help you establish the habit of watering your soul with the truth of God’s Word. Find it in the Well-Watered Co. today.]   Living […]

My shoulders stiffened as the preacher began a sermon on love covering some of the most famous verses in the Bible. I sat among friends. No one knew I cried myself to sleep the night before over a Facebook thread between the boy I liked and another girl. Instead they saw my pursed lips and […]

Her eyes open to darkness all around. She’s exhausted, already drowning in the to-dos of today. Rolling over to turn off her alarm, she continues lying there, dreading getting up. It seems like she’s been living in a constant state of overwhelm. There are never enough hours in the day, no matter how productive she […]

Lights down. Check. Decorations packed. Check. Pine needles vacuumed. Check. It’s official. Christmas is over, and a new year is upon us. Every January brings us a fresh start. And we all love new beginnings. It’s a chance to reset, a chance to try again. But within a few weeks, maybe even days, we sometimes […]

A glow gathering in the distance, light begins to peek through the trees. Gray clouds turn to pink, dark skies fade to orange, and the world wakes. As the sun blazes into view, darkness flees and a new day dawns.  All throughout Scripture, light is repeatedly mentioned in reference to God. We understand this imagery […]

I didn’t go to church often as a child. And when I did, I was embarrassed about my lack of knowledge. I recall one occasion when a woman asked all the children to recite a Bible verse. Most of them said, “Jesus wept” (John 11:35). I listened hard as they rattled it off, one after […]

Jesus is the Son of God, fully God and fully man. He came to earth and lived a sinless life. Then he died on the cross to offer us salvation. If we trust in his name, our sins are forgiven and we are saved from death to an eternal life with God.  Jesus is the […]


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