Well - Watered



The emotional despair of rejection and loneliness can have us looking for love in all the wrong places, much like the oblivious heroine so often portrayed in movies. I watch in silent frustration as she strives to earn the love of some unworthy guy. As the trope goes, she is overlooking true love—the faithful affection […]

Motherhood isn’t what I expected. Don’t get me wrong—I love being a mom. Motherhood is a joy and privilege I prayed and hoped for.  To be honest, I’m not exactly sure what I did expect. Possibly a newborn who would be lulled to sleep by rocking or singing. Maybe routine check-ups and overall good health. […]

A glow gathering in the distance, light begins to peek through the trees. Gray clouds turn to pink, dark skies fade to orange, and the world wakes. As the sun blazes into view, darkness flees and a new day dawns.  All throughout Scripture, light is repeatedly mentioned in reference to God. We understand this imagery […]

On this day more than five hundred years ago, Martin Luther nailed a document to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. Luther’s document is now famously known as his 95 Theses, in which he disputed unbiblical and exploitative practices by the Roman Catholic Church. October 31 later became known as Reformation Day, although the scope […]

Fall rolls out the red carpet for me each October when autumn leaves greet me on my morning drive. I almost feel guilty for how I anticipate watching the once-green and vibrant leaves die slowly and beautifully in my yard. Each tree that glows with gorgeous yellows, radiant reds, and bold browns signals that I’ll […]

[Editor’s Note: We are forgetful and faithless people, so we need constant reminders of God’s faithfulness. This series of devotional articles will serve as stones of remembrance that God is faithful in every circumstance, even in our struggle with sin, loss, fear, and despair. Learn more about God’s faithfulness by studying his Word and walking […]

[Editor’s Note: We are forgetful and faithless people, so we need constant reminders of God’s faithfulness. This series of devotional articles will serve as stones of remembrance that God is faithful in every circumstance, even in our struggle with sin, loss, fear, and despair. Learn more about God’s faithfulness by studying his Word and walking […]

[Editor’s Note: We are forgetful and faithless people, so we need constant reminders of God’s faithfulness. This series of devotional articles will serve as stones of remembrance that God is faithful in every circumstance, even in our struggle with sin, loss, fear, and despair. Learn more about God’s faithfulness by studying his Word and walking […]

[Editor’s Note: We are forgetful and faithless people, so we need constant reminders of God’s faithfulness. This series of devotional articles will serve as stones of remembrance that God is faithful in every circumstance, even in our struggle with sin, loss, fear, and despair. Learn more about God’s faithfulness by studying his Word and walking […]

Making room for others is rarely easy. If truth be told, our lives are complicated, overscheduled, and just plain busy. Invitational living often feels like a burdensome extra. But our homes hold a valuable secret the world longs to know: God is good and loving and true. Every time we open our doors in hospitality […]


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