Well - Watered


Biblical Womanhood

This article is part of our Made to Create article series. Read the other articles in the series here: “Made to Create” by Ashlee Gadd “Making Music for God’s Glory” by Caroline Cobb “Order from Chaos” by Abbey Wedgeworth “Opening Our Eyes to Art” by Sarah Shin “A Welcoming Home” by Rachael Milner   Made […]

This article is part of our Made to Create article series. Read the other articles in the series here: “Made to Create” by Ashlee Gadd “Making Music for God’s Glory” by Caroline Cobb “Order from Chaos” by Abbey Wedgeworth “A Liturgy for Your Words” by Kate Lab “A Welcoming Home” by Rachael Milner   Made to […]

This article is part of our Made to Create article series. Read the other articles in the series here: “Made to Create” by Ashlee Gadd “Making Music for God’s Glory” by Caroline Cobb “Opening Our Eyes to Art” by Sarah Shin “A Liturgy for Your Words” by Kate Lab “A Welcoming Home” by Rachael Milner   Made to […]

This article is part of our Made to Create article series. Read the other articles in the series here: “Made to Create” by Ashlee Gadd “Order from Chaos” by Abbey Wedgeworth “Opening Our Eyes to Art” by Sarah Shin “A Liturgy for Your Words” by Kate Lab “A Welcoming Home” by Rachael Milner   Made to […]

This article is adapted from Ashlee Gadd’s new book, Create Anyway, and is part of our new Made to Create article series. Read the other articles in the series here: “Making Music for God’s Glory” by Caroline Cobb “Order from Chaos” by Abbey Wedgeworth “Opening Our Eyes to Art” by Sarah Shin “A Liturgy for Your […]

I laid awake at night, doubt floating around my mind. I had recently learned that several Christian leaders I respected had sinned. It was shocking to me, and left me questioning my own areas of influence. Because people who appeared so strong in the faith could fail, I became afraid of my own weakness.  During […]

I sat on the edge of my seat, listening to the youth conference speaker describe the new Christian life. The night before, while the band played an emotional song about trusting Jesus, the speaker had invited students to come forward to “give their lives to Jesus.” This morning, in a room full of sweaty teens […]

Jodie felt like walking out of the church building and never going back. Her life was pretty tough, and she expected church to be a place of refuge, not a battleground. When she got through the door, though, there wasn’t much peace. First, someone tried to pressure her into signing up for a new meeting, […]

How will I ever trust you again? I hurled the question at God from the floor of my closet. I pressed my head into the carpet, unable to face the task of getting dressed. Just weeks prior, I trusted God implicitly. I never could’ve imagined questioning him this boldly or speaking to him this angrily. […]

It’s Bible study night and you’ve been looking forward to meeting with women from your church to study the Bible together all week. But tonight, something shatters this peaceful evening of fellowship.  As you discuss your answers to a challenging application question, one of the women sighs and says that raising little children is a […]


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