Dear friend,  I have an important update regarding the Well-Watered Women shop to share with you today.  Ten years ago, I began Well-Watered Women as a newlywed out of our small apartment in Tennessee with big dreams and an idea for a quiet time journal to help women study the Bible. I never imagined God […]

By Well-Watered Women

The Next Season of Well-Watered Women

Dear Sister, Almost every December, my unrealistic hopes and dreams fall apart at some point. My family gets hit by the flu, ravaged by a stomach bug, or plagued by lingering head colds. My joy falters when a holiday tradition doesn’t go as I planned. My self-confidence cracks when I discover an email buried in […]

By Well-Watered Women

You're invited to worship the Lamb with us this Advent

Advent 2024: Worthy is the Lamb

Are you ever frustrated that your actions don’t line up with the truth you say you believe from God’s Word? Sadly, we often speak what we know about Jesus or sing along with rich theological truths at church, then live out our days with a lukewarm love for God and act in disobedience to his […]

The Letters of John: God of Light, Love, and Life

By Well-Watered Women

Today’s culture has an obsession with self-knowledge, and if you’re anything like me, you’re not immune to it. I’m a sucker for a personality test or system. I can’t scroll past those articles with luring titles like “Are you a true child of the ’90s?” It’s a little bit of nostalgia and a little bit […]

By Well-Watered Women

Introducing Faithful in the Covenants

Most buildings in America aren’t built to last forever—a fire, hurricane, tornado, or other natural disaster could easily destroy them. So on a recent trip to Washington, D.C., I was struck by the permanence of the buildings. All the essential government buildings, the national monuments, the White House, and even most of the museums are […]

By Well-Watered Women

Introducing Steadfast

I grew up on a small farm in Canada. One time, a vet misdiagnosed one of my parents’ horses as having strangles, a highly contagious bacterial disease. It was only after a large vet bill that my parents took a closer inspection and saw the true issue: a brewing infection from a stick stuck under […]

Captive Thoughts Tame the Tongue

By Lara d'Entremont

Have you ever tried to fake joy? If I’m honest, I have. Sometimes I wake up on Sundays and have to remind myself that I “get to” serve and worship with my church family. Then, on Monday morning, I prod myself with reminders that I “get to” enjoy the roller coaster ride of entrepreneurship and […]

By Titania Paige

Recover Your Joy

Several years ago, a friend invited me and my wife to their magnificent home in Hawaii for a delightful vacation. Among our host’s many recommendations of restaurants, ice cream shops, beaches, and hiking trails was a list of the ten best spots to watch the sunset. It intrigued us, and we went to spot number […]

By Randy Newman

Dear Christian, Don’t Dismiss Beauty

My brand-new brown and pink Bible sat on my bed in front of me. I flipped through the various books of the Bible, feeling a touch overwhelmed. As a new believer who hadn’t grown up going to Sunday school every week, I knew I wanted to study the Bible and seek God in his Word. […]

3 Books of the Bible to Study for New Christians

By Brittany Allen

For as long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with the burden of longing for the next season—eyes set on the next shiny milestone—while being told not to miss a single second of the one I’m in.  As a sixteen-year-old girl, I romanticized the idea of going off to college and living out my grown-up […]

By Sarah Beth McCloud

Let Go of the “Don’t Blink” Burden

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