Editor’s note: Content taken from Sunday Matters: 52 Devotionals to Prepare Your Heart for Church by Paul David Tripp, © 2023. Used by permission of Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.   I wear a fitness ring. It is an amazing piece of modern technology that charts my sleep. It tells me how […]

By Paul Tripp

Rest for the Weary

I’ve lived in Minnesota for almost eighteen years, and sometimes winter still surprises me. The harshness of the bitter cold, the sting of the wind, and the abundance of cloudy days can make it hard for even the hardiest Minnesotan to persevere. By late February, we wonder, Will winter ever end? Some seasons in life […]

By Stephanie Armstrong

How to Persevere in Winter Seasons

I creep down the dark halls of the church basement, a one-year-old clinging to my side like a baby monkey. All is silent. I pad past closed classroom doors, all dark except for a beam of light slanting through the high windows. I wiggle my eyebrows at my companion on my hip. She shrieks with […]

Four Ways for Moms to Serve in the Little Years

By Lara d'Entremont

Editor’s note: This article series is about experiencing abundant life in Christ. If you want to experience spiritual growth by the power of the Holy Spirit, check out our study, Abundant: A Bible Study on the Fruit of the Spirit. Read the other articles in the series here:  “Abide in the True Vine” by Sarah […]

By Taylor Cage

Famine and Fruitfulness

Editor’s note: This article series is about experiencing abundant life in Christ. If you want to experience spiritual growth by the power of the Holy Spirit, check out our study, Abundant: A Bible Study on the Fruit of the Spirit. Read the other articles in the series here:  “Abide in the True Vine” by Sarah […]

By Well-Watered Women

Abundant: A Bible Study on the Fruit of the Spirit

Editor’s note: This article series is about experiencing abundant life in Christ. If you want to experience spiritual growth by the power of the Holy Spirit, check out our study, Abundant: A Bible Study on the Fruit of the Spirit. Read the other articles in the series here: “Abide in the True Vine” by Sarah […]

A Guide to Good Fruit

By Maggie Combs

Editor’s note: This article series is about experiencing abundant life in Christ. If you want to experience spiritual growth by the power of the Holy Spirit, check out our study, Abundant: A Bible Study on the Fruit of the Spirit. Read the other articles in the series here:  “A Guide to Good Fruit” by Maggie […]

By Sarah Valentour

Abide in the True Vine

Visit many good books, but live in the Bible. —Charles H. Spurgeon If I’m honest, reading has become particularly difficult for me lately. I’m not old by any stretch of the imagination, but my body is aging and my mind is along with it. Of course, the responsibilities of managing a household of five and […]

By Well-Watered Women

Books We Loved in 2023 + A Giveaway!

It’s Christmas morning in the early 2000s. Rainbow lights tucked between evergreen branches twinkle above me. Shredded gift wrap litters the floor like candy wrappers. Steven Curtis Chapman sings softly from our CD player. Out of nowhere, it strikes. A painful ping in my chest accompanied by an unwelcome thought. This will be over soon. […]

Fight the Christmas Letdown

By Kati Lynn Davis

I always love Christmas. My wonder for the season thrills at the thought of twinkle lights, evergreen wreaths, hot cocoa, and the beauty of the nativity story. But December 2013 was particularly special—I was expecting my second baby, a girl. Her due date? Christmas Eve. I imagined a Hallmark ending to a Christmas pregnancy. I […]

By Neidy Hess

Advent Isn’t Supposed to Be This Way

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