Books We Loved in 2023 + A Giveaway!

December 26, 2023  - By Well-Watered Women

Books We Loved in 2023 + A Giveaway! - an article from Well-Watered Women

Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.
—Charles H. Spurgeon

If I’m honest, reading has become particularly difficult for me lately. I’m not old by any stretch of the imagination, but my body is aging and my mind is along with it. Of course, the responsibilities of managing a household of five and the constant, pervasive distractions of the internet don’t help anything. So now I must fight to keep my mind engaged.

But the battle is worth it. Reading books may not come easily to you—reading your Bible may not come easily to you either—but don’t give up. The Holy Spirit can use our most feeble attempts to bring about growth and change in our lives, and he often does so through the ministry of a body of believers.

That’s why we are committed to recommending good books to you. These are the books that have changed our lives and sharpened our minds this year. We hope that you’ll resolve to fight the battle for your mind's focus by reading some (or all twelve!) of these books in 2024. But most of all, we hope you'll fight the battle to read your Bible.

Content Director

Books We Loved in 2023 + A Giveaway! - an article from Well-Watered Women 2

We’re giving away copies of all twelve books, an In Every Season Journal Set, an In Every Season Bag, an In Every Season Mug, and a Hosanna Revival Aurora ESV Study Bible to one winner! Giveaway closes on Friday, December 29 at 12 pm ET. The giveaway winner will be notified by email.

This year's giveaway has closed.

All Who Are Weary by Sarah J. Hauser

All Who Are Weary has been a staple on my bedside table this year. Many nights, I curled up in bed, exhausted and weary from the day, searching for rest for my weary soul. I’d open Sarah’s book and partake of the truths she shares that are deeply rooted in God’s Word. God has used them to revive my heart. Sarah’s creative storytelling brings to life the wisdom she has mined from God’s Word as she invites us to come, weak and weary, to Jesus to find rest and refreshment for our souls.
—Gretchen, Founder


A Loving Life by Paul E. Miller

Paul Miller’s A Loving Life: In a World of Broken Relationships magnifies the love of God. As Miller ponders the details of the lives of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz from the book of Ruth, he aptly applies the many facets of hesed love to the difficulties of persevering in love in our present relationships. Many of his insights burrowed into my heart and came back at opportune moments to bear the fruit of sacrificial love, especially this one: “Like Jesus, we must embrace the death that the Father has put in front of us. The path to resurrection is through dying, not fighting.”
—Lauren, Theology Editor


Create Anyway by Ashley Gadd

Create Anyway is an anthem, an invitation, a spark that will light a fire in your heart. As a mom to three littles with a busy schedule and a list of excuses as to why this season isn’t suited for making art, this book is the permission slip I needed to pick up my pen and do exactly what Ashlee encourages mothers to do—create anyway.
—Gretchen, Founder


Do You Believe? by Paul David Tripp

Paul David Tripp has a true gift for taking complicated theological subjects and demonstrating why they impact our everyday lives. Do You Believe?: 12 Historic Doctrines to Change Your Everyday Life is an accessible and engaging look at the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. But it doesn’t stop at the head—it goes straight for the heart, aiming to bridge the gap between what you say you believe and how you actually live.
—Maggie, Content Director


Finding My Father by Blair Linne

In Finding My Father, Blair Linne expertly weaves her own story and the complex realities of how fatherlessness impacts families and communities with the beautiful truths of God's design for fatherhood. Through her experience of brokenness and redemption, Blair testifies to how God himself soothes the ache of fatherlessness as our perfect Parent. As a spoken word artist and Bible teacher, Blair's writing is poetic and poignant and truthful, crafted with the precision and empathy needed for such a sensitive topic. Whether you experienced fatherlessness as a result of an absent parent, unknown parent, abusive parent, or uninvolved parent, this book will help you see how our perfect Father has the power to heal our every hurt and lavishes us with his love that always provides, always protects, never wanes, and never disappoints.
—Abbey, Content Editor


Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley

As I prepare my heart and mind for our first little one, friends and family kept recommending Habits of the Household to me. While his advice isn’t necessarily for new parents, Justin Whitmel Earley lays the foundation of biblical practices and catechisms that can be started in your household at any stage. From morning routines and discipline to car rides and communication, this book helps parents point their children toward the gospel in every way, making sure that the Word of God is truly the foundation of the Christian household.
—Sarah, Fulfillment Specialist


He Is Strong by Emily A. Jensen

For every woman who feels beset with weakness, utterly aware of her need for strength beyond herself, He Is Strong offers time-tested wisdom to fortify the weary soul. Emily Jensen’s writing wraps the reader with a comforting hug of encouragement and leads with a guiding hand to the source of strength—Jesus Christ. This devotional serves as a constant reminder to accept my weakness as an opportunity to experience God’s strength.
—Gretchen, Founder


In the Hands of a Fiercely Tender God by Colleen Chao

In times of suffering, we're prone to view God as distant, harsh, or just indifferent. In In the Hands of a Fiercely Tender God: 31 Days of Hope, Honesty, and Encouragement for the Sufferer, Colleen Chao reminds the reader of who God truly is: attentive, near, tender toward his people. She writes as a fellow sufferer, not dismissing our painful circumstances but teaching us to look to God in the midst of them to see his mercy and care. Each devotion is titled and centered around actions we can take to experience God's nearness in our hardships—remember, cry, marvel, grieve, trust, ask, rest, and more—making this book not just encouraging but practical, which is a true gift to anyone walking through a season of suffering.
—Abbey, Content Editor


Rejoice & Tremble by Michael Reeves

What does it mean to fear the Lord? How can we delight in the fear of the Lord (Isa. 11:3)? Why does the Lord take pleasure in those who fear him (Ps. 147:11)? Michael Reeves brings clarity to a rather confusing concept in Rejoice & Tremble. He has the unique ability to take a heady theological topic and simplify it for the average Christian. I walked away from this book with a greater understanding of God that led to a deeper appreciation and delight for who he is. If you’ve ever viewed the fear of God in a negative light or found it difficult to comprehend, I highly recommend this book.
—Whitney, President + CFO


Sanctuary by Denise J. Hughes

In our endlessly loud and aggressive world, I long for a peaceful heart. But I’m often distracted from true peace in God’s presence by my to-do lists, my phone, painful circumstances, and the demands of family life. Sanctuary: Cultivating a Quiet Heart In a Noisy World by Denise Hughes offers wisdom for the chronically overwhelmed by studying the elements of the tabernacle, God’s sanctuary with his people in the Old Testament. A careful balance between personal storytelling, exposition of Scripture, thought-provoking questions, and clear action steps helped me develop a heart that is at rest in God when the world is in chaos.
—Maggie, Content Director


The Reason for God by Timothy Keller

I’m no stranger to doubt. Though I grew up in the church, I didn’t always understand why I believe what I believe. Pastor Timothy Keller skillfully tackles some of the toughest theological questions in The Reason for God. There were moments I wept when reading this book, amazed and humbled by God’s love for us. If you are a doubter or a skeptic, this book will open your eyes to the consistency of God’s character and the unfathomable riches of his grace in Christ Jesus.
—Gretchen, Founder


The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosaria Butterfield

The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert is the conversion story of Rosaria Butterfield, a former lesbian professor, now a Presbyterian minister’s wife and Christian author. More than just a retelling of her journey to Christianity, this book is a blueprint for the church of what it means to engage our friends and neighbors with the gospel. Instead of simply encouraging lost friends to join us at church, Rosaria’s story shows us how God can use believers who are willing to open up their homes and lives to people who have no interest in Jesus.
—Whitney, President + CFO

*We love sharing resource recommendations with you! However, when we recommend a resource, please keep in mind that we are not endorsing people or ministries in their entirety. We do our best to recommend solid content, but the only infallible endorsement we offer is of the Word of God!

**This article contains affiliate links.

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  1. Jennifer Gennings says:

    I love all your posts! So encouraging! Thankyou for shining your light so brightly!

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