Introducing Faithful in the Covenants

May 7, 2024  - By Well-Watered Women

Introducing Faithful in the Covenants - an article from Well-Watered Women

Today’s culture has an obsession with self-knowledge, and if you’re anything like me, you’re not immune to it. I’m a sucker for a personality test or system. I can’t scroll past those articles with luring titles like “Are you a true child of the ’90s?” It’s a little bit of nostalgia and a little bit of self-revelation all rolled into one. 

Unfortunately, because we are broken people, all our self-obsession ultimately leads to despair. We will always be failing and finite and sinful. As more of our self is revealed, it becomes clear that we aren’t a trustworthy source of hope. Our world preaches that self-awareness leads to happiness, but the Word demonstrates that only God-awareness leads to joy and flourishing.

God has been working through all of history to reveal himself to his people. For much of my life, I thought of the Old Testament and New Testament as jumbled pieces of a puzzle that I couldn’t quite fit together. I was too focused on understanding myself through the lens of the Bible that I missed the whole purpose—understanding God. But now I see Scripture as the story of God revealing more of himself through a series of promises to his people called the covenants. 

Grow Your Trust in God’s Faithfulness

A promise is only as good as the one who makes it, and each successive covenant reveals more of God’s trustworthy character. As God’s people learn more about their God, their faith grows and their relationship with him deepens. They grow to trust God more as he proves himself faithful again and again. God reveals himself more through each covenant, adding elements to the future promise, until one day, he sends his ultimate self-revelation and faithfulness—Jesus, God made flesh—to usher in a glorious new covenant. By the work of Jesus, God’s will is achieved. He now dwells with his people, revealing himself to them through his Word as the Holy Spirit dwells in them. 

One day, God’s redemption story will be complete and he will live with his people in unbroken relationship in the new heaven and new earth. On that day, all our obsession with self will cease, and our joy will be complete in the presence of our faithful King.

Trusting in God’s faithfulness,

Content Director

P.S. Get the Faithful in the Covenants Workbook for 15% off or the Faithful in the Covenants Bundle for 20% off through Sunday, May 12! Find answers to all questions about Faithful in the Covenants below.


What is Faithful in the Covenants?

Faithful in the Covenants is a workbook that shows how God has been working throughout all of history to reveal himself to his people that they may know him, love him, trust him, and live in relationship with him. The Faithful in the Covenants Workbook will help you:

  • Understand what a covenant is and identify them in Scripture
  • Discover how each successive covenant reveals more about who God is and his plan for redemption
  • Build a framework for how the pieces of the Old Testament and New Testament fit together
  • Replace an unhealthy focus on self-knowledge with a healthy relationship with your Savior
  • Grow your confidence in God’s faithfulness toward you because he’s proven faithful throughout Scripture

What content does the Faithful in the Covenants Workbook cover?

This workbook helps you search God's Word for yourself to understand how each successive covenant in Scripture reveals more of God’s nature, his heart, and his purposes. You’ll study the nature of our covenantal God, the Noahic covenant, the Abrahamic covenant, the Mosaic covenant, the Davidic covenant, and the new covenant. The workbook uses the spiritual disciplines of Bible study, prayer, confession, worship, and memorization to help God’s Word travel from your head to your heart, creating opportunities for Spirit-led life transformation.

How is the workbook formatted?

The workbook is divided into six sections covering the main covenants in Scripture. Each section is divided into two to three concepts to further your understanding. For each concept, you’ll complete the following sections based on spiritual disciplines: Truth Defined, Truth Understood, Truth Applied, Worship God in Truth, and Remember Truth. Download sample pages of the first concept here.

How is this workbook different from a typical Well-Watered Women Bible study?

This workbook guides you through Scripture to uncover truths about the covenants for yourself instead of teaching you about a specific topic or book of the Bible. It's divided into sections rather than days, so there's flexibility in how you use it. You could decide to tackle one section each week for a six-week study on the covenants. Or, you could use this workbook on top of your regular Bible study and move through it more slowly. Maybe you decide to set time aside each Sunday to complete a concept or two at your own pace or to use this workbook as an opportunity to dig into God’s Word in the evening before you go to bed. However you use it, commit to digging deeply and considering each verse instead of flying through to check something off your list.

What are the Faithful in the Covenants Verse Cards?

There are fifteen memory verses related to the promises of the covenants woven throughout the workbook to help you remember the truth you’re learning. The matching verse card set gives you an opportunity to practice memorizing and meditating on these key verses as you go about your day and to display truth throughout your home. Find the verse cards exclusively in the Faithful in the Covenants Bundle.

Are there any discounts or promotions available?

Yes! Save 15% on the Faithful in the Covenant Workbook and 20% on the Faithful in the Covenants Bundle through Sunday, May 12.

Do you offer bulk discounts for groups?

We do! If you’re interested in ordering workbooks for a group of five or more, please email us at for special pricing.

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