Being an Ambassador in Your Workplace

September 16, 2021  - By Fernie Cosgrove

Being an Ambassador in Your Workplace–an Article by Well-Watered Women

This article is part of our This Moment Matters series. Read previous articles in the series here:

  • “Does This Really Matter?” by Gretchen Saffles

The cold New England breeze woke me up as I climbed onto my bike. The coffee shop opened at 6:00 a.m., and there was a lot I needed to prepare before I could open the doors. I started my day with a warm cup of coffee before clients came in, sipping between the hustle of coffee brewing, espresso calibrating, and pastries baking in the oven. Before I knew it, it was time to go. I grabbed that second cup of coffee, got on my bike again, and pedaled as fast as my legs would let me go. My full-time job in the workplace started at 11:00 am. 

The days blurred together. The falling leaves turned to trees covered in snow. The snow melted away, uncovering the buds getting ready to bloom. The season that was supposed to be short-lived grew long, and doubts about my work stirred my heart. Does this season even matter? Will it have a lasting impact on the kingdom? Am I wasting my life? 

Whether you’re an entry-level employee or an executive, working just a few hours a week or working two jobs, your role in the workplace matters. Some have the privilege to work at our passion, and some of us work in environments that make us dread walking through the front door every Monday. Despite the diversity of fields we work in and the kind of jobs we do, we have one thing in common: We want to be women who work for the glory of God. 


We live in a world that offers us several purposes for our work: money, success, recognition, providing for our families, feeling productive, and following our dreams, among other things. But the Word of God gives us a different perspective: “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31, emphasis mine). This verse doesn’t give us exceptions. It doesn’t say, “If you are doing what you like, do it for the glory of God.” Or, “If your work is easy, do it for the glory of God.” No, it tells us to do it all for the glory of God. Absolutely everything. But how? 


Whether you work in ministry or a secular workplace, you are called to have a kingdom impact and be a witness of the gospel (Matt. 28:18–20). You are an ambassador for Christ, called to make an appeal to others to reconcile with God (2 Cor. 5:20). If you are like me, you may wince a little bit at the call to be a witness at your workplace. It is so much easier for me to share the gospel with my family and friends outside of the workplace, but sharing at work at my government job feels tricky. It helps to remember that I am Christ’s ambassador

Practical tips for working with an ambassador mindset:

    • Seek to put Jesus and his Word first (Matt. 6:33). This may feel obvious, but it’s hard to put into practice day-to-day as you get ready and head to work in a rush. Try listening to the Word on your commute or being intentional about arriving a few minutes earlier and reading the Word in the parking lot or as your computer turns on. 
    • Pray about everything (Phil. 4:6–7). Work often leads to stress and anxiety due to looming deadlines or an overwhelming amount of tasks to accomplish. The Bible exhorts us not to worry about anything and to pray about everything. Try writing a prayer for your week on your agenda, praying for the work you will accomplish that day as your computer turns on, praying for wisdom as you enter meetings, and praying for the people you work with. You will be surprised by the difference it makes to pray for your work and to offer to pray for coworkers.
    • Set an example by doing good (Titus 2:7–8). Everything you do at work is being watched by someone else, so you are to set an example by doing good and working diligently and ethically. Consider the impact of your words, actions, and decisions and honor God through them. This may require you to sometimes voice concerns about decisions or even refuse to participate in certain actions. As hard as this is, the gospel is worth it and the Lord will sustain you. 
    • Set reminders of truth on your desk. Decorate your desk with stationery, gospel-centered calendars, and Scripture cards that remind you of the Word of God. This is not a very popular approach, but it serves two purposes: it reminds your heart of the reason for your work, and it serves as a witness to others.


You may be reading this thinking, This all sounds great, but you don’t know the kind of work that I do. You may feel discouraged, weary, and pulled in a thousand directions. 

Sister, you have been created for good works (Eph. 2:10) to the glory of God the Father. May you hold on to his grace and be equipped by the Holy Spirit to live for the gospel to be proclaimed anywhere you work. Every moment matters in the kingdom of God. The King of heaven is watching the work you do, and God himself equips you for every good work (Heb. 13:21) and has given you everything required for life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3). Hold on to these promises and rely on the power of the gospel to transform your work.

Your Friend, Fernie

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Being an Ambassador in Your Workplace – an Article by Well-Watered Women

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  1. Makala says:

    Just what I needed to hear. My work becomes overwhelming and I don’t know how to manage the workload on my own at times. Remembering to turn to God, pray for the small things can make a meaningful difference. I do notice the days I am intentional and say a pray before my day, I always have a much better workday and feel surrounded in our Father’s love.

  2. Lydia says:

    I came here for encouragement as I sit at my desk at work. I am always tempted to escape my great dislike for my job by logging into social media, but for the first time today I came to a page that I knew would offer encouragement in the Lord instead of numbing my mind. I am very thankful for this post! Work is the area of my life where I struggle the most to honor the Lord — in my attitude, my work ethic, and my thoughts toward coworkers. Thank you for the reminder that I can do more during the work week to fight this sinfulness in me and work to honor God!

  3. […] Being an Ambassador in Your Workplace by Fernie Cosgrove […]

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