Beholding the Lamb in Every Season: Busyness

December 12, 2019  - By Taylor Cage

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Even Busier Seasons

Regardless of how well we guard our time and schedules, many of us still find ourselves in busy seasons. In my current season of life, my husband and I have recently relocated to a new city and joined a new church where my husband is the student pastor. Since we’ve been here, we’ve hit the ground running by meeting students and their families and getting involved in the community.

It feels like every night of the week is booked on our calendar. We spend our Friday nights at football games cheering on students. Then we spend weeknights meeting parents in the basketball stands. Or we make a million grilled cheese sandwiches on Sunday nights when our home fills with teenagers. I often find myself on coffee dates at Starbucks with girls who want to talk.

While we don’t have any kids yet, in some ways it feels like we have hundreds to love on and support. Currently, our life may seem a little crazy, but we truly love it. 

Carving Out Time with God

However, despite the joys of this season, it’s not without its challenges. Because my calendar is constantly full, I’ve often felt tempted to trade one-on-one time with God for time talking about God. I’ve been tempted to sacrifice time in His Word for time serving Him. Not surprisingly, these replacements always leave my heart empty and my soul dry. 

The truth is, there is no replacement for spending time with God. We can fill our calendars with every good thing under the sun but nothing will replace taking time to behold the Lamb of God. Seasons change, but our need for Jesus never does. In every season, but especially the busy ones, we need the Word of God to sustain us. 

I often find myself thinking of the words Jesus spoke to Martha when she found herself busy in His presence, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary” (Luke 10:41). Sisters, spending time with Jesus isn’t just a priority, it is our one necessity in every season. 

Focusing on Christ at Christmas

Calendars seem to fill up a little quicker during the holidays. Christmastime is often considered a busy season. This time of year it’s easy to get swept up in the hustle and bustle of festivities. However, with busyness already defining my current season—and this year in particular—I’m choosing to be more intentional about my one necessity: beholding Christ this Christmas. 

And friends, it’s truly been so freeing to focus on one necessity this Christmas. Amidst all of the traditions, practices, and festivities, it’s easy to feel pressured to do it all. When you’re in a busy season, that’s just not possible. However, when I remember that Jesus is the only necessity, I can say no to the things that distract me from beholding His presence. I can say yes to the things that leave me more in awe of Him. 

Continuing Christmas Traditions

As simple as it sounds, my favorite Christmas tradition is making Christmas candy. Each year growing up I made Christmas candy with my mom and our best friends who are like family. Unfortunately, I’ve missed our special candy day the last few years because I’ve lived too far away.

And while I still live too far away, this year I’ve decided to bring this old tradition to my new home in Oklahoma. My husband and I are going to make Christmas candy and take it to our new neighbors! It’s our prayer that the Lord will use this old tradition—and saying yes to this simple act amidst our busyness—to bring Him glory, open gospel conversations, and spark new friendships. 

Sisters, let us remember this Christmas season that Jesus, the Lamb of God, is our one necessity. Let our celebrations and our traditions mean nothing apart from Him. May we praise God that our one necessity is freely offered in Christ this holiday season!

Your sister, Taylor

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