Why I Won’t Quit Social Media

January 19, 2021  - By Gretchen Saffles

Why I Won't Quit Social Media | Well-Watered Women Articles

If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you’ve probably noticed that I share a lot about social media. I’ve wrestled with the use of technology and the ability it has to strip us of our passions and trip us with comparison. But I’ve also seen the potential it has to be used for good and for God’s glory. When I read any of Paul’s letters in the New Testament, I see him using arguments and means that were known to the people he was reaching in order to share with them the hope of Jesus.

Paul addressed the people right where they were with the message of the gospel. There was no social media during the time he wrote his letters to the church. However, he was passionate about reaching people in their own various contexts. While society looks different than during Jesus’ time, the principles and timeless truths of Scripture still apply to us today. The Great Commission is still a command to us. It’s our role as Jesus-followers to wrestle through the countless ways we can reach people and shine the light of Christ in a dark world. 

Social Media for God's Glory

It is estimated that 79% of U.S. citizens are on social media (source). Globally there are 2.7 billion users on Facebook and over 1.1 billion users on Instagram (source). The numbers speak for themselves. If we want to reach people, we have to go where they are, and nowadays, they are on their phones. But the question comes in, how do we reach people using our phones without also becoming obsessed with our phones? How do we share the light of Christ in this dark world without, too, being consumed by the darkness?

I believe the answer to these questions goes back to the root of our ambitions. We must be willing to daily ask ourselves harder questions like this: What are the motives driving me to pick up my phone? What is at the driver’s seat of my heart? A desire for attention? A desire to escape my daily tasks? Is it a desire to be like others or be liked by others? Or is it a desire to love Jesus and encourage others? The answers to these questions can change daily, even hourly. That is why we must be prudent to test our hearts and continually submit them back to Jesus.

Wrestle for His Glory

If I am completely honest with you, I wrestle with social media a lot. Over the past few years, God has grown Well-Watered Women to reach more women than I could have ever imagined. Sometimes I see those numbers and feel afraid to share. What will all of you think of my words? My struggles? It’s hard being constantly measured every single day. Numbers surround us in today’s society, and we have to constantly fight against finding our identity and worth in them. 

I’ve wanted to quit social media more times than I can count. Satan always wants us to quit what God is using. But we can persevere because we follow a God of infinite power. There will be times where we are called to surrender. Or where we stop doing something for a time and take a step back. But we aren’t called to quit sharing Jesus. The gospel reminds us that we are never to quit doing what glorifies God.

Don't Give Up

Even though I’ve wrestled with my fleshly desire to throw in the towel at times, I won’t quit using social media for God’s glory. If I leave this online mission field because I’m tired of fighting the fight of the faith, I’ve let the enemy have victory. The enemy is having a field day stealing women’s identities, precious time, and purpose through the internet. He is celebrating each time we pull up our feeds and compare ourselves to other women while grumbling against what God has given us. He knows that if he can distract God’s people from our greater calling that he has won a small victory. But we serve a God who has won the entire battle, and people need to hear this message. 

If God can use me to say one encouraging word or be a vessel of truth in one person’s life, then sharing is worth the risk. It’s worth writing vulnerable truth. It’s worth taking time to pray through what should be said. And it’s worth the painful soul scrubbing as I am sanctified of pride, envy, and discontent. Ultimately, I want Jesus more than I want to be comfortable or have followers or be liked by others. The audience I write to is really an audience of One. That is why I will continue sharing, no matter how many or how few are watching. I will continue to tell others that Jesus really is all we need and strive to live this out.

Let the Light Shine

Ultimately, we have the Light that others need. Though the darkness of this world can feel overwhelming, the Light of Christ is greater. John 1:4-5 describes Jesus in this way:

“In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

As followers of Jesus, that same light is in us. Jesus explained in Matthew 5:14,16,  “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden…In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” I recently watched a video with my two-year old that featured a lightbulb with hands and feet walking through a dark city singing “this little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” Inside the lightbulb was the name “Jesus” producing the light. Using social media for the glory of God is as simple as letting the light of Christ within us shine bright for all to see.

Are you interested in using social media for the glory of God, but aren't sure where to begin? We created this free 10-day challenge with women like you in mind. It doesn't matter if you have a small or large following, if you use social for business or personal use, this challenge is for you! Join anytime and receive emails straight to your inbox. You'll find daily encouragement, a challenge, and a prompt to respond.

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  1. Lauren says:

    I am so thankful you shared this, I wrestle with a lot of the same thoughts and questions myself so this was encouraging

    • Mazuriek Nel says:

      Lauren, I left Instagram today. I know my triggers to sin, and social media is one of them.

      Some people can be in different areas of the world, without being of them. If that makes any sense. I need to work out my own sanctification, as I want to be holy as He is holy, and to me, social media does not help me achieve this. Neither does watching Netflix. For me, and everyone needs to evaluate and decide that for themselves.

      “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast”. Galatians 2:21.
      We are not saved by our works, and also not by the works of others, so that NO ONE may boast. You should never guilt trip yourself into any situation because you are afraid someone will not get saved if you do not do this or that.

      I would much rather appreciate an encouraging word or quick message directly from a friend, someone that I can journey alongside. We spend a lot of time with acquaintances where we could be spending that time reaching out those around us.

      I read the other day that a quick test to determine fake news, is to see who benefits from it. And I have started applying that to different areas of my life. Try it out. “Who will benefit from me staying on Instagram?”

      • Mazuriek, I am so thankful you shared this! What an incredible way to view getting off of social media. I recently was off of social media for a month to have a heart reset. I also have friends who have gotten off of social media altogether and have benefited from it so much! There are definitely two ways to approach social media, and both can be glorifying to God! Whether it be staying on it to share Truth or getting off of it to continue to better minister to others, both, when done from a heart of love for God and others can have great kingdom impact. Thank you for setting an example of obedience. Praying for you right now as you seek to live a life that glorifies God! – Gretchen

  2. Nia says:

    I love this article so much. Thank you. I am right there- Feeling the urge to share the Gospel and my testimony through a FB page, and recognizing my own unhealthy use of FB/social media.

    I am currently on a 10-day break, but now you have given me prayer points for how and when to re-engage.

    Another important key is making sure I’m not neglecting the ministry in front of me: my family and home.

    I love how God is so personal and wants the best for us in all areas of life, even social media!

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