Holy Hunger

August 7, 2017  - By Gretchen Saffles

In Isaiah 55, God invites all who are thirsty to come and drink from the living water that satisfies. His invitation is for everyone. He doesn’t just call those who have their acts together, those who aren’t as needy, or those who have money. In fact, God explicitly calls “everyone who is thirsty” to come and drink of this water. The call to come is a call to show up just as you are before the table of God with your empty cup. And, get this, the living water has no fee. God doesn’t charge us anything!

He takes our empty cups and fills them up with His grace upon grace (John 1:16). He fills our empty cups with hope that penetrates to the depths of our souls. He pours truths into our empty cups that no lie can crush (John 8:32). He satisfies our empty cups with peace that no storm can swallow (Philippians 4:6-7). And He makes our empty cups overflow with joy that no thief can steal (John 10:10). The filling is His doing...all He calls us to do is to “come.”

The truth is, in order for us to live the full, abundant life that Jesus promises in John 10:10, we have to daily come to Him, bringing our cup of nothing to receive everything we need for this life in Christ (1 Peter 1:3). Nothing in this world will fill our empty cups. They were meant to be filled by Jesus and Jesus alone. When we come into God’s presence, bringing our empty cups before Him, He faithfully fills us up so we overflow onto the world around us. He satisfies our thirsty souls with what is good and lasting (Psalm 107:9).

Isaiah 55 goes even further than simply calling us to come. In verses 2-3 we are told, “Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food. Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live...” When we come, we must bring with us a listening and attentive ear, as well as a moldable heart. We are filled so we can, in turn, “feed” others. But first we must be well-fed with the Bread of Life, Jesus (John 6:35). In order to be well-fed, we must sit down, pick up our forks, and dine with our Savior at the table of God.

When we do this, God gives us holy hunger for Himself. And, oh, my sweet friend, our Savior satisfies this hunger!

You will never leave hungry after spending time in Scripture with Jesus. You will never be disappointed by His Word. That is a guarantee. A quiet time is more than an Instagram opportunity; it is a holy moment of communing with God. Spend time with the Lord in the secret each day (Matthew 6:6). He is worthy of the first, worthy of the last, and worthy of every moment in between. Instead of giving Him the leftovers, give Him the best moments of your day.

Come. Bring your nothing and let Him fill your empty cup with everything you need for this life.

hungering after Jesus,


Respond + Reflect:

Read Isaiah 55. What commands are we given and what promises are made? God is a Promise Keeper. He is true to every word that He says (Joshua 21:45). Ask the Lord to help you believe the words of Scripture and let them shape your life!

What currently fills your cup? This includes what occupies your mind, your heart, and your thoughts. Philippians 4:8 instructs us to fill our minds with what things? How does this make you live like a well-watered woman?

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  1. When I fill myself with what God provides, I will delight in his abundance – the fatty (deshen) filling goodness of Christ. In this chapter of Isaiah, God commands me to come to Him, listen to Him, see Him, seek Him, and call on Him. When I obey him in these things, He gives me an everlasting promise of life and unfailing love. He has made me glorious! (vs. 5) He promises that when I turn to Him that he will forgive me generously. He promises that His word will always produce fruit. When I read His word, it causes me to grow. His word accomplishes his purpose and it always succeeds! I love that the chapter doesn’t end there. In verses 12 and 13, we are promised that the word of God is redemptive. Not only will it redeem his people, but all of creation! Praise God!

    I am encouraged and challenged to stay at the throne of God so that I may enjoy the satisfaction and abundance that only He can provide.

    Gretchen, thank you for being obedient and allowing God to use you in ministry to encourage women to a stronger faith in Christ. To God be the glory!

  2. Jennifertorbett@bellsouth.net says:

    I was a single mom and as I read this, I remember at that time in my life I was here… hungry and thirsty wanting more of what He had to offer, walking away filled every time. His word and truths are what kept me going, it’s what gave me purpose.. But as marriage came, and working, and more kids, then social media I didn’t make it a priority, life became a rat race. I feel like I’ve been living off the crumbs of His Word (which I know is better than nothing) but I want more, but I don’t take time for more… Not like I ought to. Things that are filling my cup now are business. More recently now have I become more wanton, more discontent. Social media… Ugh, it’s usually the first thing I go to, it causes me to constantly compare my self among our selves and it is NOT wise. I praise God for conviction and not giving up on me. And I praise God for you Gretchen and all those who work with you, thank you for doing what you do, for encouraging towards godliness and reminding us to live with eternity in sight!

  3. Marissa Burleson says:

    The process of writing out what fills your cup to what the Bible says we’re suppose to fill it with was a technique that really opened my heart and eyes and made me want to dump my old no good cup right out and run to the Lord for his living water!!!

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