Untouched by the Evil One {Day 17}

July 31, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

(Photo by McKenzie Hope Lynn)
Reading: 1 John 5:16-19

Yesterday we learned that as children of God, we can come before Him with “cheerful courage” and receive what we ask that is according to His will. We have a distinct privilege as sons and daughters of God to speak to Him just as we are. God says “yes” to us by saying “come” to us through Jesus. The power of prayer is unfathomable and in many ways still untouched by us. I go many days without spending adequate time in prayer. At most mishaps in life I run to my husband or my mom and sister instead of straight to the throne of grace. It is beautiful how John is wrapping up his letter to the believers with a reminder that prayer is powerful, important, and vital to our life. 

As children of God, we have the promise that the evil one cannot touch us. Our souls are purchased by Christ’s blood and they are secure in Him. Any fear that the evil one sneaks into our heart has no solid foundation. As a matter of fact, Christ crushed fear on the cross. Romans 8:37 says “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” 1 John 4:4 establishes this truth to us once more saying, “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” We have hope! We have the victory. Through Jesus, we are more than conquerers.

However, the lies of the enemy still invades our peace and we still sin because we live in a fallen world. Our souls are secure, but as long as we are on earth sin will still be a struggle. That is why it is important to remember that we are victors through Christ. John distinguishes sin that “leads to death” and sin ghat “does not lead to death” in 1 John 5:16-17. The difference here is the difference between repentant and unrepentant sin. All sin leads to death that has not been forgiven by Christ. Romans 3:23 says that we have ALL sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and further, in Romans 6:23 we know that “the wages of sin is death.” However, for those who have accepted the “free gift of God,” we can be set from sin and become daughters and sons of God. God wipes the slate clean of our sin-stained lives when we believe in Jesus and become followers of Christ. He becomes our protector and our keeper (1 John 5:17).

The praise and relief we find in these verses is that there is forgiveness of our sins each day. Hebrews 8:12 says “For I will forgive their sins and remember them no more.” Repentant sin does not lead to death. The act of coming to God in a prayer of repentance is freedom. It is laying our will on the cross to be crucified with Christ and resurrected in His life.

Take heart today, knowing that you are protected by Jesus and that nothing can separate you from Him. No harm, no evil, no lie, no anxiety, no fear can remove His love from you. Though Satan try his best to distract us and deter us from following God, he knows that he cannot succeed. He has already been defeated. Live in the victorious life that Christ bought for you today, sisters. Satan cannot touch you, no matter how hard he might try. Stand confident in the grace of God, washed clean in the blood of Jesus.

It is for freedom that Christ has set you free. Live free.

living in freedom,

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  1. Drbarryandtheresa@gmail.com says:

    Sin is not supposed.to be a.struggle. we.are to reckon our selves.dead.to.Sin for sin has lost its power and sin will not have dominion over us. We have been crucified.with Christ burried with Him in death.and raised to His life only. I am dead to the flesh but I live yet it is Christs life now living in me. If we are.struggling with sin than we h ve not reckoned ourselves.dead.to sin and allowed the Holy Spirit to mortify the misdeeds in our body. BORN again means we died and are born again of our father not by natural.decent. When the Holy Spirit dwells in us our desires become His and He.does not struggle with sin.The world may be falling but we are not, we are citizens.of heaven filled with the God head.seated.with Christ. This is.the foundation of all believers, Christ crucified means I am crucified and Christ resurrected means I am resurrected and I am to know.the power of His resurrection and share in His sufferings for as He is.so am I in this world now! Be blessed

  2. Theresa says:

    Sin is not supposed.to be a.struggle. we.are to reckon our selves.dead.to.Sin for sin has lost its power and sin will not have dominion over us. We have been crucified.with Christ burried with Him in death.and raised to His life only. I am dead to the flesh but I live yet it is Christs life now living in me. If we are.struggling with sin than we h ve not reckoned ourselves.dead.to sin and allowed the Holy Spirit to mortify the misdeeds in our body. BORN again means we died and are born again of our father not by natural.decent. When the Holy Spirit dwells in us our desires become His and He.does not struggle with sin.The world may be falling but we are not, we are citizens.of heaven filled with the God head.seated.with Christ. This is.the foundation of all believers, Christ crucified means I am crucified and Christ resurrected means I am resurrected and I am to know.the power of His resurrection and share in His sufferings for as He is.so am I in this world now! Be blessed

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