Three Truths About God for Seasons of Transition

September 7, 2021  - By Alyssa Cottrell

Thre Truths About God for Seasons of Transitions - a Well-Watered Women Article

I just unpacked the last box from my most recent move—what a relief! After months of feeling overwhelmed, living in chaos, and having endless to-do lists running through my head, it’s finally finished. No one enjoys moving, but for me, it’s always been a particular thorn in my side. Unfortunately, I’ve become quite the expert in transition: this was my thirteenth move in ten years. 

Despite my desire to settle in and grow roots, God has grown me into a bit of a transition expert. It’s ironic because I absolutely despise change! More than once, I have clung to my living situation with an iron grip, begging the Lord to just let things remain the same. 

Whether you’re currently in the middle of a job change, experiencing a health challenge, preparing for a move, getting married, or starting your family, transition and change are difficult. But in the challenge of change, we see aspects of God’s character with fresh eyes.  

Cling to these three truths about God next time you find yourself in a season of transition:

1. God is in Control, even in transition

Transitions reveal we are not in control. While the events of my day-to-day life allow me to feel like I have some semblance of control, transition disrupts that illusion. If I were in control, I wouldn’t be moving—again. I wouldn’t be changing jobs or cities or roommates. Everything would be exactly to my liking. Doesn’t that sound like a good life?

But Proverbs 16:9 says that while we may plan our ways, it is the LORD who ultimately establishes our steps. Transition is a reminder that our lives are not our own; they are the Lord’s, and he will establish our paths.  It can be scary to surrender control to God, but we can trust that because God is good, he will not lead us to a place that will not ultimately lead to our good. There is no safer place for us to be than under his rule and reign. No circumstance that comes our way can thwart his plans for us (Job 42:2). 

2. God is Unchanging, even in change

When everything around us is changing, our very lives can feel unstable. This instability leads us to grasp for anything that will make us feel like the ground is not shifting right beneath our feet. Self-care, productivity, or idols of comfort like TV or food…all these things we cling to so tightly are an effort to feel secure and protected in times of change. Our desire for stability, however, is ultimately a longing for God himself. 

God alone is the one who does not and will not ever change (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8). Therefore, all our longings for stability will ultimately lead us to him. While it may feel like avoiding transition will bring the peace and stability we long for, ultimately, those things can only be found in Christ. 

3. God is our Sustainer in transition, and always

When confronted with yet another transition, our hearts tend to doubt the goodness of God and our ability to persevere. How will we get through this one? Hebrews 1:3 tells us that he upholds everything in the universe by the word of his power. He sustains every single aspect of his creation, which includes our lives, no matter what changes may come. Looking to our own strength won’t carry us through—we need him to sustain us.

When we are tempted to despair, he is able to sustain our joy. When we can’t see how he’ll provide another job or place to live, he is able to sustain our hope. When we are stumbling through another sleepless night with a new infant, he is able to sustain our energy. He sustains every atom of creation, and we can look to him to sustain us through the difficulty of transition and change as well. 

Longing for Eternity

As much as we’d like to avoid it, we’ll never be free from the perils of transition and change on this side of eternity. But one day, we’ll be taken to be with our unchanging, sustaining, sovereign God. There will be no mourning, or crying, or pain (Rev. 21:4), three realities that so often accompany transition. I will have no need to fear the moving boxes because I will finally be home in the presence of the Lord. Now we see God dimly, but then we will see him completely (1 Cor. 13:12) and live fully in the glory of his unchanging grace.

Meet the Author:

Alyssa is passionate about discipling women to love God with all of their hearts, souls, minds, and strength. She currently serves as the Communications Coordinator in her local church in Fort Worth, TX. Reading, writing, and going to the movies are just a few of her simple joys! 

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Three Truths About God for Seasons of Transition

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  1. Jenny H says:

    This is excellent. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Mary Helen Quinn says:

    Thank you

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