The New Word Before World Collection

April 18, 2018  - By Gretchen Saffles

If we could sit down together over coffee and talk about all that we're learning lately, we would share with you how the Lord has challenged us to choose joy and hope amidst trial and struggles. Some little things and some bigger things alike have snuck in and tried to steal our joy over the past few months as we've faced many delays and challenges leading us to today. But you know? We believe the enemy is trying his hardest to deter the Kingdom work that will be done between women and the Lord amidst the open pages of the Bible and the tools they use to know the God of its pages.

In this new collection, you'll find a handful of resources that are designed intentionally to point you to the Lord and help you grow in His Word. We want you to feel equipped and prepared when you open the Bible, not stuck or confused. We want you to come with an eagerness and excitement, a passion for the pages of Scripture that help you learn more about the God of the world who loves you so dearly! That is why we have created this collection of items, and we want to share them with you today.

The Give Me Jesus Journal

Back in 2014, we created a quiet time journal after looking for one to use and coming up empty-handed. This journal was created as a response to a need—personally for Gretchen, but also publicly for other women who had expressed confusion and uncertainty when it came to studying the Bible. This journal is a tool to use that gives you guidance and prompts you in your study, but allows you the flexibility and freedom to use it with any passage of Scripture.

Here's the breakdown:

This quiet time journal for women is a hardcover, spiral bound 90-day journal. The journal contains three specific sections that are separated by heavy-duty tabs: Journal the Word (for daily Bible study), Jot it Down (for sermon notes or journaling), and Prayer and Praise (for additional space to journal your prayers and celebrate God’s faithfulness). You’ll find a “heart check” at the beginning and end of the journal, specifically designed to encourage you to be a well-watered woman, deeply rooted in the Gospel.

The daily portions of the journal include these sections:

  • Room to write down the date, time, and place where you study the Word.
  • A new verse or quote to encourage you each day!
  • Today’s Gratitude: To start your time with the Lord with a heart of gratitude and praise.
  • Be Still and Know: A place to write a verse to memorize or study, or a brief prayer to the Lord before you start your quiet time.
  • Drink Deep from the Well: An open section for you to study the Word! You can use this in any way as you take notes, write down observations from your Bible study, and dig deep into the text.
  • Ask and Apply: This section has two questions for you to fill in: 1) What I learned about God; 2) How this changes the way I live. This section is designed to help you retain what you study and move forward in obedience.
  • Pray Big: A section for you to pray as you close out your quiet time! The beautiful thing about this section and the quiet time journal is that you don’t have to end there. A quiet time isn’t just something to check off your to-do list! It’s a way of life. We believe that putting the Word before the world will redefine your days and give you gospel perspective.

This updated version of the journal will have revised quotes and scripture throughout, a rose gold detail cover, and “a verse to pray over this journal” inside the front cover. We love creating a beautiful product for you to use as you open the Word of God, which is beautiful beyond measure. We pray that the Give Me Jesus Journal will point you to Christ and give you a deeper hunger and thirst for the Word of God! The first 500 women to purchase the new Give Me Jesus Journal will receive a free 5x7 art print with Word Before World hand-lettered on it by our friend Sarah Brown of Lovely Lettering Co!

The Word Before World Scripture Memory Journal

This tool has been a favorite in our Shop over the years, and we have updated it to reflect our anthem and mission: to put the Word before the world. The spiral bound, 3x5 notebook is durable and perfectly sized for taking with you on the go. We want to help you memorize Scripture, so inside you will find spaces for 50 verses to be written and hidden in your heart. Keep it in your purse to pull out in the grocery store, carpool line, or as you wait at your appointment. Keep in by your bedside and use in the morning to set your heart on a verse. Keep it by the kitchen sink as you are washing dishes and need something to keep your heart stayed on Christ. Use it as often as you can, hiding truth in your heart day by day.

The Word Before World Mug

This beautiful hand-lettered mug is a sturdy 15 ounce glossy bistro mug, and the gold-foil lettering is absolutely stunning. The Word Before World motto has resonated with women across the world, and we wanted to created a tangible reminder for you to hold each morning as you come to the Word and start your day with the Lord. Sit in His presence and sip from your coffee cup as you drink deeply from the well of God's Word.

The Word Before World Spring Bookmark

This bookmark has been updated to match the new Give Me Jesus journal cover, but the purpose is the same. On the back of the bookmark you will find a quick guide to studying Scripture. It's the perfect size to tuck in your Bible or journal and use as you come to study the Word. It would make a great gift for any new believer or for anyone new to studying the Bible. We love the simple reminder to choose the Word before heading into the world, and we hope this resource blesses you as you dig in with the Lord.

The Give Me Jesus Pen

This metallic red pen will easily become one of your favorites! It writes so well (with black ink) we want to use it all the time. The gold lettering reads "Give Me Jesus" and we hope it is a sweet reminder that the Lord alone can satisfy your heart and bring joy to your life. Keep in with your Bible study tools and let it be a tangible reminder to choose Jesus over anything else.

An Exciting Giveaway

Tonight we'll be sharing the details of a fun giveaway over on Instagram. We want to bless one woman with a new She Reads Truth hardcover Bible, a copy of Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin, and one of our new Give Me Jesus journals. For details and entry, follow us on Instagram and enter to win tonight through Friday!

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  1. Martha says:

    WOW! Amazing giveaway and the journal looks great! Thank you for all the hard work you put into everything you do. Blessings!

  2. says:

    so beautiful! so excited! 🙂

  3. says:

    I’m very impressed! Such a beautiful way to study His Word.

  4. says:

    I can not wait to get mine!

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