The Artist’s Palette

October 8, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

Welcome to day four of “Life Lived Beautifully” Fashion Week! We have been digging into how the gospel affects our closets, how we can dress modestly and point others to Jesus, as well as some creative ways on organizing our closets and simplifying our wardrobe. Today we are going to talk about how your wardrobe is like an artist’s palette. You create through what you wear! You can join us on Periscope and watch a replay here!

You are an artist. 

Every day you pick up your paint brush and create through the world around you. You decorate your home with minute attention to detail. You cook your favorite meals (or throw together a pb&j for the kiddos). You take a picture and share an Instagram post. You write papers, create spreadsheets, make a cup of coffee, and dream dreams. Life is art. And it is beautiful!

When you create, you reflect your Creator. He is the Inventor of creativity, and the Author of all ideas. He thought up the rainbow, flowers, clouds, and sunsets. Clothing is another reflection of the creativity of God, and it was redeemed at the crossWe can use the way we dress to honor Him and point others to Christ in beautiful ways. As women, we have been created with a unique longing for beauty. David said in Psalm 27:4, “One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple.” When we gaze upon the ravishing beauty of the Lord, we reflect Him in our actions, attitudes, and outward appearance. God is beauty, and He has created beauty for His glory. Life is a canvas to be painted on.

Without knowing it, the decisions you make, the dreams you dream, and the steps you take are all brushstrokes on a canvas. God is painting a beautiful image of His glory all around. His grace is the brush, the blood of Jesus Christ is the eraser that washes away our sins, and the gospel is the canvas we now live our lives on. We can reflect our identity in Christ and His creativity through what we wear. As Christian women, we should walk in confidence in who God created us to be with our heads held high and eyes stayed on the cross. Remembering that our beauty doesn’t come from outward adornment (1 Peter 3:3-4), we can dress in a way that worships our Creator instead of worshipping the created. Today, we will talk through some creative ways to dress with what you have and enjoy the beauty God has created for us to reflect! 


Every piece of clothing and accessory you put on is a brushstroke. Your entire outfit should make up one work of art. Each element should flow beautifully and purposefully to the next. One of the best ways to spruce up an outfit is through wearing creative accessories:

  • Pops of color – Add color through a necklace, earrings, bracelet, or colorful pair of shoes. I love companies like Noonday Fashion, iSanctuary, FashionABLEMarket Colors and Joyn India because their accessories are made by women across the world. These women are given a fresh start and chance to live a life of freedom through their work. There are gospel-focused companies like this all over that you can support through purchasing their accessories and make a difference with your money!

  • Style with a scarf – Scarves are one of the easiest, most accessible ways to add style to an outfit. (Watch the Periscope video today for several creative ways to style a scarf as well as how to enter a giveaway for a FashionABLE Asseffa scarf!)

  • Roll your sleeves – Rolling your sleeves is one of the easiest ways to change a shirt/jacket and make it more up-to-date! Simply cuff the sleeves to change the look and add a bracelet to your wrist.
  • Wear jewelry or accessories that starts a conversation – This could include a scarf you got on a mission trip, a necklace that was made by a women freed from trafficking, or a pair of shoes ethically made in another country. Our clothing can be a beautiful avenue to share the gospel! One of my favorite pieces of jewelry is this Psalm 19 necklace from Dear Mushka. When people compliment the necklace or mention it, I can share about God’s Word and what Christ has done in my life! Tomorrow we will feature Katie Lewis, the founder of Dear Mushka, and give away one of her necklaces!


  • No color is off limits. Most women tell me there are certain colors they absolutely cannot wear. The thing to remember is that the color closest to your face is the most important. For example, if you have a grey shirt that makes you look washed out, wear a turquoise necklace or scarf that gives you color! You can wear more colors than you think, just pay the most attention to the one closest to your face and how it highlights your features!

  • Gold/Silver test. If you are wondering which color scheme you should gravitate towards, do the gold and silver test. Go to a store with good lighting and hold up a gold shirt and a silver shirt to your face. Whichever color brings you the most color to your cheeks and skin coloring is the scheme you should stick with when shopping! Wearing the right colors will brighten up your face and highlight the natural coloring you were created with!

  • Black and brown are a-okay! You can wear black and brown together. The key is contrast. Wear a chestnut brown with black to add contrast and rich color!

Things to remember:

  • You should feel confident in what you wear. Your security is in Christ, not your outward appearance. Wear clothing that you can mother, serve, work, and live comfortably and confidently in. Don’t try to fit into a style or trend that doesn’t fit your personality and who God created you to be. Wear what represents your passions, interested, and personality.

  • Everything should point to your smile. No part of your outfit should distract from your face. Your smile that radiates the love of Jesus should be the focal point of your outfit!

  • Your attitude, posture, and countenance are a part of your outfit. This one often gets overlooked! How you stand, how you feel, and how you respond to others are a part of dress. I am tall and used to struggle with this one. I wanted to slouch my shoulders so I felt shorter (as if that really helped!). Once I started standing confidently in the height God made me to be, my height became less the focal point and instead it was something I embraced as who I am. It is God’s thumbprint on my life! Stand tall in God’s grace and smile at the future (Proverbs 31:25).

I would love to hear any more tips you have! Be sure to enter our giveaway today on Instagram! Let’s reflect our Creator’s creativity through the way we dress!


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  1. Victoria says:

    Wowww! This article is crazy good and way too familiar to me. I literally designed a Christian clothing piece based on this last year. I called the design ‘Brushed Imperfections’. How were you thinking the exact same thing 5 years ago? I’m so stunned right now. This feels like a kind of confirmation. Thank you!

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