Eat Truth For Breakfast The moment your alarm goes off in the morning, you start thinking and making decisions. The first one will be to actually turn the alarm off, move from your cozy covers, and plant your feet on the floor to start your day. You are constantly thinking, making decisions, and meditating on […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Truth for Breakfast

Some days I wake up discouraged and with a spirit of defeat clouded my vision before I even finish my first cup of coffee. Today was one of those days where the enemy immediately starting feeding me lie after lie the moment my eyes opened. He whispered into my soul that I’m not good enough and a failure. He pounded my heart with discouragement and lack of confidence. He almost convinced me to just throw in the towel today.


By Gretchen Saffles

Truth Trumps Feelings

When we hear ourselves labeled in a discouraging way, we must cling to the cross as the only source of hope and reliability! What Jesus says about us will always outweigh the words of the world – and that’s the name we are able to bear.

Reliably Redeemed

By Rachael Milner

What do we do with those “I feel” statements dictates the direction of our days. Instead of believing everything you feel, speak the truth to yourself…

By Gretchen Saffles

I Feel Vs. I Know

I jotted this down earlier this week while I was taking care of Nolan and feeling overwhelmed by all I need to do. I pray these words encourage you! You can print this image as a 5×7 card to keep with you or hang on your mirror as a reminder that your identity is found […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Repeat After Me…

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