The lyrics to “Give Me Jesus” were originally an African American hymn that was sung during the days of slavery. These words were never intended to be ideas written on mugs, journals, or prints. They were meant to be lived, breathed, and understood. They were sung out of a deep realization that apart from Jesus, […]

By Gretchen Saffles

A Well-Watered Morning

There was a time in my life when studying the Bible felt like foreign territory and a massive, unattainable goal. My schedule seemed to be “jam-packed” and I was unwilling to forfeit a little bit of extra sleep to read the Word. At this point, I hadn’t really tasted and seen with my own eyes how good God is and how Scripture would change my life and become the bread and water to my existence. This time was in middle school – those awkward years where everyone is trying to figure out who they are and exploring their identity. Middle school was a strange time for me, like it is for most people. I was teetering between living a sold out life for Christ and falling headfirst into the ways of the world. Praise God He pulled me back when I was about to jump in, and He captivated me with Jesus. These clumsy years were actually used by God to be the foundation He used to begin to show me that time with Him wasn’t a waste, it was a necessity to living fully.

By Gretchen Saffles

Breaking the “Quiet Time” Code

The Spring 2016 collection is here!

Spring 2016 Collection!

By Well-Watered Women

An interview with my husband on the men’s Reflections journal!

By Gretchen Saffles

An Interview With My Husband

Learn more about the 2015 Christmas Collection!

By Gretchen Saffles

Christmas Collection

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