An Interview With My Husband

December 12, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

 Photo by Katherine McBroom of the men's Reflections Journal.

Photo by Katherine McBroom of the men’s Reflections Journal.

One big dream we had for 2016 was to create a men’s quiet time journal. The men’s “Reflections” journal was birthed from that dream. After months of working on this journal with my husband, praying through the outline and working to find quotes and verses that would point our husbands, brothers, and friends to Christ, we created the “Reflections” journal! I asked my husband to answer a few questions to encourage us in our own lives. It is important that we hear from the men in our lives and encourage them to walk with the Lord. It is our prayer that the journal will be a tool for men to dig deep into the Word of God! You can find out more about the journal here! 

Meet my husband, Greg, my encourager, my best friend, and the creator of the men’s Reflections journal!

When did you start following Jesus?

I became a Christian in December of 2000. I grew up like most other church kids – spending their Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and many after school hours roaming the halls and classrooms. Growing up in the church, you generally think that you’re doing okay. You probably know all the answers, have good friends, and generally avoid trouble. The problem is, that isn’t the Gospel. It wasn’t until I was 10 years old that I came to understand, best I could at the time, that following Jesus was more than knowing about Him. It was knowing Him. From that point, the Lord has been gracious in putting experiences and opportunities in my path where I’ve come to trust and know Him more, as well as people to spur me on toward Christ-likeness.

 Give Them Jesus Mug +  Reflections Journal

Give Them Jesus Mug + Reflections Journal

Why is it important for you to spend time in the Word each day?

Psalm 19:7-9 tells us that God’s Word revives our soul, gives us wisdom, enlightens our eyes, and endures forever. In this day and age, who doesn’t need that? With all noise and chaos in the world around us, God’s Word is the one thing that will be constant, and the one thing worth knowing above anything else. I want everything about my life to be grounded in the Word of God, and it’s impossible to do that without time in it. It’s also worth noting that, as believers, we should want to be in the Word (Psalm 19:10). If I ever feel like reading my Bible is a “have-to” thing, I immediately know that I need to check my heart for what I’m really trusting in and finding my joy in.

What does your time with the Lord look like each day?

For me, it happens each morning, either at my desk or in our living room chair. I was not blessed with the gift of being an early bird, so a cup of coffee is typically by my side. Also, depending on how our son slept, the sounds of his squeals and his Jumperoo may be the soundtrack to the morning. I’ll typically walk through a book of the Bible, and have a plan on how to get through it. If I don’t have an end goal (finish James by this date, for example), it’s tough for me to stay focused. This is also helpful because it doesn’t let you skip the hard passages.

How can women encourage the men in their lives to treasure God’s Word?

There’s so many directions I could take with this question, but the first thing that comes to mind is to simply to encourage him in the things he does well, and to give him grace in the areas he needs it. This could be His time spent in the Word, an act of service, a step of faith, or a family leadership decision. It may seem like each time you do this, it falls on deaf ears, but ultimately, it’s your faithfulness in supporting Him that will speak volumes. The other important aspect here is to treasure God’s Word yourself. Be enamored by the Word and the things of Christ, and let that overflow into your life and your marriage. Pray that God’s Word will be visible in your actions and words, and that it would spur on and encourage your husband in his love for Scripture.

May we as women be faithful to live our lives as arrows, pointing our husbands, brothers, and friends to Jesus. 

your sister,


Find out more about the men’s Reflections Journal here!

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  1. says:

    This was encouraging! 🙂

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