Week Six Day One  Read: Colossians 1:15-20 Ask: Write down all that you learn about Jesus from this passage. What do the following verses teach us about Him being the Main Character? Isaiah 9:6-7 Matthew 16:24-25 John 1:1-3 John 3:30 John 4:13-14 John 10:14-18 Acts 2:32-33 1 Timothy 6:15-16 Hebrews 1:1-4 Revelation 1:4-8 Revelation 22:12-13, […]

By Well-Watered Women

Redefined: Week Six Reading

Week Five Day One | Daughters of God Read: Romans 8:14-17, Psalm 139:13-14 Ask: When we look at “I AM,” we will be able to answer the question, “Who am I?” A stable identity in Christ is built upon awe. Read the following passages and write down what you learn about your King: Job 38:4-41 […]

By Well-Watered Women

Redefined: Week Five Reading

Each day we walk into a battlefield of comparison. From perfectly posed Instagram pictures to carefully worded Facebook posts, we compare our worst moments to the seemingly “best” moments of others. We scrutinize what our friends and other women are doing through a tiny filter of social media and belittle the work God is doing in […]

He Before She

By Gretchen Saffles

I had a funny interaction yesterday with a kind, well-meaning individual who was trying to offer some encouragement. The words didn’t come out as I’m sure they intended when they said, “Rachael, you’ve lost weight! You’re starting to look so pretty!” I just had to laugh a little because it was meant as a compliment, […]

By Rachael Milner

Diets, Grace and Worth

From Peer to Fear I remember sitting in my ninth grade Sunday school class hearing about peer pressure. The example was someone standing on a chair trying to pull another friend up onto the chair with them. No matter how hard she tried, it was much easier for the friend on the ground to pull […]

By Rachael Milner

Fear Pressure

Everyone has a story to tell. However, a lot of our stories we want to hide. The past has a way of controlling the present and the struggles of our daily lives become a burden we carry alone in an attempt to cover up our brokenness. We weren’t meant to live this way. Our heart […]

An Introduction to Redefined

By Gretchen Saffles

God uses the least likely to make much of His great name. Today we are talking about calling and excuses and why the gospel trumps our inadequacies. 

By Gretchen Saffles

Not Me, God

Another five pounds. The numbers on the scale told me a story of loss, but my heart felt a surge of confidence. I glanced up at the mirror and saw a tall, lanky body standing there, wasting away in many ways. I turned around and examined my spine protruding from my back and shuddered. Why did this make me feel so beautiful? In many ways I felt like I was disappearing. Each week I was losing more and more weight. And yet, every reflection I whispered to me that if I just kept going I would finally enough. I wanted to be noticed, but I still felt invisible. 

By Gretchen Saffles

The Greatest Gain

After a good dose of tears and insecurity, I finally wrote a note farewell to this old, unwelcomed friend. 

Dear Insecurity,

By Gretchen Saffles

It’s time we took our eyes off the numbers, scales, and sizes and consumed our lives with the weight of glory in Jesus Christ. You are already free, sisters. Nothing holds you in changes anymore because Jesus holds that key that sets you free. Let’s live for the kind of weight that matters—sharing the glory of Christ with a world that desperately needs to know there is freedom, today.

By Gretchen Saffles

The Kind of Weight That Matters

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