February 14th is a day that is anticipated, and often dreaded, by many women, both married and single. The glory placed on the materialism of the day often overshadows the beauty of deep, abiding, perfect love. Store entrances overflow with chocolates and flowers and the waiting time at restaurants is doubled. For twenty-two years of […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Wooed By Grace and Love

This post was written by Kara Holmes. Kara is a wife and mother, Gretchen’s older sister, and has contributed to many of the Well-Watered Women Bible Studies. You can follow along with her on her blog, Chasing Genuine , and you can read more from her in our Ascending Calvary devotion. Forgiven to Forgive When […]

By Kara Holmes

Forgiven to Forgive: Part One

I had a funny interaction yesterday with a kind, well-meaning individual who was trying to offer some encouragement. The words didn’t come out as I’m sure they intended when they said, “Rachael, you’ve lost weight! You’re starting to look so pretty!” I just had to laugh a little because it was meant as a compliment, […]

Diets, Grace and Worth

By Rachael Milner

Ruth is a story of grace, woven throughout the pages of Scripture, pointing us to Christ – even years before He would come to earth to redeem the lost and save the wayward. Ruth is a picture of love, redemption and grace that reminds us of God’s relentless pursuit and unyielding love. We often think […]

By Well-Watered Women

Reintroducing Ruth: Gospel of Grace

I never expected our hyperactive goldendoodle to teach me so much about God’s grace, but He’s funny like that sometimes. Lately she keeps going into the yard, throwing herself in the dirt and rolling around. She comes in filthy, with bugs and slugs (which are disgusting by the way) and leaves all in her fur. […]

By Rachael Milner

Grace & Goldendoodles

This post is from a member of the LLB Community, Hannah Clark: There’s a song with the lyrics “She’s the slipped disc in the spine of community.” The first time I heard them, they kind of took me for surprise. That was who, at one point in my life, I thought that I was. I […]

But God Redeems

By Hannah Clark

We all carry one. That 3 foot, 36 inch measuring stick. It’s a crutch for some. A weapon for others. And then for for others it’s a scepter by which they rule others by. It’s the most unbecoming accessory. With it come chains that hold us back, tie us down and leave us wounded and unusable for the Kingdom of God. We feel as if we will never measure up to others by it, and we feel as if we are above others because of it. This stick is a lie. It’s a stumbling block designed to trip us up. And the maker of this stick is comparison.

By Gretchen Saffles

The Measuring Stick That’s Never Enough

I have a confession: I am a recovering “good girl.” 

By Gretchen Saffles

The Law of Love

The season of revival is upon us. In the blink of an eye, tiny sprouts of green will bud on the trees and the drops of color will sprinkle the ground. Spring is coming. My heart races at the thought of spring each year. By the time March comes around, the bare trees and bleak skies have made my heart burn for color and life. The seasons come and go every year, echoing the sound of revival and restoration. For centuries, God has continued His work of redemption in the spring, bring what was once dead back to life. What an incredible picture of the gospel? What a magnificent painting of grace!

Lent: Give Up, Get Low, Gain Christ

By Gretchen Saffles

The dream of becoming a momma is embedded deeply in the fabric of a woman’s heart. I remember caring for my baby dolls when I was a child as if they had life and breath in them! As the years progressed and I grew older, this longing continued to grow and strengthen. If you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, the answer was always simple and always the same – “I want to be a wife and a mom!” Regularly I would have conversations with friends about how many kids we wanted to have someday. My answer was usually five, on average. Everything about marriage, pregnancy, and motherhood looked so glamorous and easy from the outside! As a single woman, I would have done anything to have the privilege of a ring on my finger, a baby on my hip, and a husband to love. If you are single and reading this post, you know this deep, unfulfilled longing all too well!

By Gretchen Saffles

Nine Months of Gospel Grace

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