Most days we live are pretty ordinary. Wake up, drink coffee, read your Bible, get ready for work, work, eat, exercise, eat, visit friends, read, sleep. This would look extremely different if you have children, but you get the picture. The mountaintop experiences aren’t the norm, the valleys are. The valleys are the places in life where we just walk. We walk and walk and walk without seeing a new sight or getting to a new path. Everything around us seems strangely familiar and we keep looking out for the next turn towards a big adventure.

By Gretchen Saffles


Meet Breena. I have had the privilege of getting to know Breena over this past year and follow her journey of losing her son to Batten Disease. I can say this with full confidence – this girl is the real thing. She doesn’t just say things to be noticed or to be followed, she share […]

By Well-Watered Women

A Life Lived Beautifully: Breena Holt

Last March I had no idea where Life Lived Beautifully was going. To be honest, I was at my wits end with trying to make a small business work. I was trying and trying and trying and getting no where. My heart was so weary and my spirit was defeated. I was on the brink of giving up and throwing in the towel. At the time, I had been making necklaces, stationery, and art prints. Though I loved creating these things, they weren’t bringing my heart life and I knew there was something more. I longed to share Jesus and His truth, but I didn’t know how I was to do it! I read through the journal I was using in this season and found these honest words of desperation:

How Rock Bottom Created A Journal

By Gretchen Saffles

I am excited to introduce you to me dear friend, Heather Boersma. I had the privilege to sit in on her teaching class at the Influence Conference and give her a big hug! She is genuine through and through and loves the Lord with an exciting passion! Heather recently released an Advent Devotional called “We […]

By Well-Watered Women

A Life Lived Beautifully: Heather Boersma

Sometimes I fear I’ve spent most of my life in a hurried state, always trying to get things done, missing valuable opportunities to stop and encourage someone and listening to noise instead of stillness. In the busyness of life, precious moments are hurried by in order to get to the next event or check off […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Never Hurry

Most days we live are pretty ordinary. Wake up, drink coffee, read your Bible, get ready for work, work, eat, exercise, eat, visit friends, read, sleep. This would look extremely different if you have children, but you get the picture. The mountaintop experiences aren’t the norm, the valleys are. The valleys are the places in […]


By Gretchen Saffles

I began Life Lived Beautifully in May of 2013 after my husband and I moved to Knoxville. Our love story began a year before that when we dated, got engaged AND got married within 9 1/2 months. (Read our God-sized love story here!) Since then, God has taken us on some incredible adventures- all of […]

By Gretchen Saffles

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