A Life Lived Beautifully: Heather Boersma

November 14, 2014  - By Well-Watered Women

I am excited to introduce you to me dear friend, Heather Boersma. I had the privilege to sit in on her teaching class at the Influence Conference and give her a big hug! She is genuine through and through and loves the Lord with an exciting passion! Heather recently released an Advent Devotional called “We Will Wait” that you can purchase here! She has a Facebook group you can join where Heather will post videos for the devotional on December 1st.
Meet Heather.

Hi! I’m Heather and if there’s only one thing I want you to know about me, it’s that I’m passionately in love with my Saviour, Jesus Christ. I’m a big dreamer, a go-getter, who believes in the power of a good story. I’m married to wild entrepeneur of a man named Alex, and mama to a tornado toddler named Cohen, and a wee huricane girl named Claire. I drink coffee in mornings (preferably from freshly roasted beans, in a french press) and tea in the afternoons (earl grey, with a cookie or something sweet!)

What is your definition of a “life lived beautifully”?

Life lived beautifully is trying to live the way my children do – loving deeply, trusting openly, forgiving easily and playing passionately. I can see why Jesus said the kingdom belonged to such as these – children feel all the emotions of life without worrying about how they will be perceived or if things will work out the way they hoped. They cry when it hurts and laugh loud and long. And they hear, see and feel God because they haven’t yet learned to doubt. That is life lived beautifully.

We Will Wait

When did you start following Jesus?

I’ve been walking with Jesus my whole life. I committed my life to Christ when I was five years old, but my faith really became my own in my early teen years when I was severely bullied. At that time in my life I turned to Jesus and realized that He truly was the one friend I could always depend on.

What are some verses you constantly cling to and bring life to your soul?

There are so many that I quote to myself on a regular basis. Some of them are Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 29:11, Galatians 5:1 and Ephesians 3:20.

How did you first begin speaking to girls?

I began speaking to girls nine years ago, with a ministry called Beautiful Unique Girl. I toured across Canada and into the US for several years, and went on to grow my own speaking ministry to youth, young adults and women. Recently I was hired to write for and host a TV show for teen girls with Beautiful Unique Girl that will air in the new year.

What is the main message God has laid on your heart to share with girls around the world?

I want teen girls (and ALL women!) to know that they are beautiful because they are daughters of God and He values them, not because of how they looks, what they do, or how many people like them, but simply because they are His. I want to see young women empowered to walk in freedom from insecurity, grow in intimacy with Jesus, and watch Him do more in their lives than they could ever ask dream or imagine.

Heather Boersma

What is your advice for women who feel called to speak? 

The next step is always intimacy with Jesus. Stay close to Him, listen to His voice, study His word, and obey His Spirit. Remember that anything you gain from self-promotion will have to be sustained through self promotion, but anything you gain through God promoting you, He will sustain. So be faithful with the opportunities in front of you, speak as passionately to small groups as large ones, and don’t give up! He who has called you is faithful – and He will do it! (1 Thessalonians 5:24)

If you could do anything for the glory of God (without limits), what would it be?

Speak the truth of God’s word in youth rooms and stadiums, to ten or ten thousands, down the street and around the world. To watch God’s truth break down and defeat the lies of the enemy and see His people rise up to walk in the freedom and abundance He’s called them too!

If you could tell every woman reading this blog one thing God has laid on your heart, what would it be?

God’s definition of success and the world’s definition are not the same. To God, big is small and small is big. The first is last and the last, first. The greatest (most popular, most followed, most liked) is the least and the least the greatest. So don’t work for success as the world defines it, but rather chase closeness with Jesus. Pursuing intimacy with Him will always end in success.

Catch up on other stories of women who are living their life beautifully here:

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  1. So encouraged by these interviews!!

  2. Charissa says:

    So encouraged by these interviews!!

  3. I love the wisdom in Heather’s answer to the last question. So good. God’s idea of success and a life lived well (or beautifully!) is something God has really been teaching. It’s easy to look at the world’s idea of success because it’s in our faces everyday. But God’s view of success has to be sought out. It is nothing like the world’s view of success, it’s just the opposite.

  4. I love the wisdom in Heather’s answer to the last question. So good. God’s idea of success and a life lived well (or beautifully!) is something God has really been teaching. It’s easy to look at the world’s idea of success because it’s in our faces everyday. But God’s view of success has to be sought out. It is nothing like the world’s view of success, it’s just the opposite.

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