Welcome, friends!

January 1, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

I began Life Lived Beautifully in May of 2013 after my husband and I moved to Knoxville. Our love story began a year before that when we dated, got engaged AND got married within 9 1/2 months. (Read our God-sized love story here!) Since then, God has taken us on some incredible adventures- all of which have been beyond our dreams and imaginations!

Over the past nine months, Life Lived Beautifully has evolved and grown. The purpose of this business is for the glory of God and the spread of the name of Jesus across the earth! My husband and I have a stirring in our heart for the unreached of the world. Our dream is that Life Lived Beautifully would enable us, and many others, to go to the ends of the earth to share the gospel with the unreached.

[space_20]Across the globe, there are an estimated 7 billion populating the earth. Of that astronomical number, there are about 2.82 billion that are unreached (meaning they haven’t heard the gospel of Jesus!). Let those numbers sink into the roots of your heart. Over 40% of human beings on this planet haven’t even heard that Jesus loves them and died on the cross to save them! This is overwhelming, and our God is a good, sovereign and gracious God. He sees them all and He is sending us out.

My challenge for the new year is summed up by John 3:30: “He must increase, I must decrease.” As simple as that. I believe the more Jesus is seen in our lives, the more we will be willing to give up our lives for the sake of others. I believe the less we are full of ourselves and our stuff and our pursuits, the more we will hear the Lord’s God-given visions that are greater than we could ever accomplish…alone. More of Jesus, less of me.

I pray that as you journey with me on this incredible adventure, that you would pray for workers in the harvest and that you would BE that worker. It’s all about Jesus. No matter what we are doing and no matter where we are.

You sister on this journey with you,


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