“This is a story that revealed the Father’s goodness to us all:  My baby belly was small and I was just beginning to show. I was halfway through this pregnancy, at only 21 weeks when my water bag broke. I didn’t even know that was something that happened, let alone what it actually meant. So, […]

By Guest Author

Miracle in the Making

Last September, our lives changed forever with the taking of one test. I had been feeling unusually tired and my husband noticed that I would frequently get dizzy. In my mind, I just figured my body was doing its usual crazy thing right before that time of the month. Little did I know, something extremely different was happening in my body. God was knitting together a precious child in my womb.

By Gretchen Saffles

Pregnancy, Prayer And Praise

My husband and I are excited to tell our family and friends that we pregnant with our first little one – due May 2015! It was a sweet surprise finding out that we were pregnant and we are grateful for this blessing! When I was in the second grade, I gave a presentation on what […]

A Beautiful Blessing

By Gretchen Saffles

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