A Beautiful Blessing

December 4, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

My husband and I are excited to tell our family and friends that we pregnant with our first little one – due May 2015! It was a sweet surprise finding out that we were pregnant and we are grateful for this blessing! When I was in the second grade, I gave a presentation on what I wanted to be when I grew up. The list ranked like this:
1. Wife

2. Missionary

3. Mom

It has been almost 20 years since I gave that presentation and the Lord hasn’t changed that list. It is still so surreal thinking about a teeny tiny baby growing in my belly. As each week goes by, I can’t stop marveling at the Creator. He is literally knitting together this precious child in my womb for His glory. We don’t know what the future looks like, and I know so many changes are up ahead. I’ve never run a business and been a momma at the same time. We currently use our second bedroom for the business and will be converting it to a baby room. There are so many “what ifs” and “how do we do this?” questions in the air, but we know that God will faithfully give answers in His time.

For the next six months, we wait. We long to see this little one and we will prepare in whatever way we possibly can. During this new season, the Lord has laid on my heart to remember the times of waiting and to remember those around me in different waiting seasons. I have many friends trying to get pregnant, other friends trying to adopt, and other friends who are single and are waiting in hopes for marriage. We are all waiting for something. We all have an unfulfilled longing in our heart. I love the way Elisabeth Elliot address unfulfilled longings:

“Unfulfilled longings are material for sacrifice.” 

As we all wait, my prayer is that we find our hope in Jesus. That we trust Him with our unfulfilled longings, because they are safest with Him. May we savor the joy in the season that we are in, rejoice with others, wait with others, claim God’s promises for our friends, treasure the blessings and the hard times, because in them the Lord is abundantly faithful and good.

Excited to go on this adventure with you all!


P.S. If you don’t know me personally, you must know that my husband LOVES Chick-fil-A! I even had the cow surprise him at our wedding. We are waiting on our little “nugget” and I am sure there will be some CFA clothing in the future for this baby!

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  1. sharonmeekins@gmail.com says:

    I’m so excited for you both! Congratulations! I just want you to know that the Lord uses you to touch my life in beautiful ways all for His glory! Have a beautiful day!

  2. Sharon Meekins says:

    I’m so excited for you both! Congratulations! I just want you to know that the Lord uses you to touch my life in beautiful ways all for His glory! Have a beautiful day!

  3. faithful2Him55@yahoo.com says:

    Whoopeee! So excited for you both, Gretchen! The Lord is using you to encourage and build up His body through your ministry, and I know He will continue to grow you and those around you as you experience the wonder of being a mother. Please know you are in my prayers, and I love you in the Lord!

  4. Faith says:

    Whoopeee! So excited for you both, Gretchen! The Lord is using you to encourage and build up His body through your ministry, and I know He will continue to grow you and those around you as you experience the wonder of being a mother. Please know you are in my prayers, and I love you in the Lord!

  5. emily.b.riley@vanderbilt.edu says:

    This is such a wonderful post! 🙂 Loving your encouragement as you enter this new phase of His plan for you and Greg! Love you!

  6. Emily Riley says:

    This is such a wonderful post! 🙂 Loving your encouragement as you enter this new phase of His plan for you and Greg! Love you!

  7. congrats. what a sweet surprise. my little sister called her first born her little nugget too. love it. can’t wait to hear all about your journey into parenthood

  8. jenn says:

    congrats. what a sweet surprise. my little sister called her first born her little nugget too. love it. can’t wait to hear all about your journey into parenthood

  9. Congratulations! I was SO excited when I saw on Instagram that you are expecting and I don’t even know you! I have been praying for you to have a healthy pregnancy that glorifies the Lord in every way! And let me just say that when I found your blog I read all of your posts in a day, and then e-mailed the link to friends. It is truly the most encouraging and inspiring blog I’ve ever read! If we lived closer I’d probably demand that we meet 🙂 Also, I love how much you use mustard yellow! Even though I got married in March, I bought your e-book anyways and have loved it so far! Thank you for letting the Lord use you and for living such a beautiful life!

  10. Congratulations! I was SO excited when I saw on Instagram that you are expecting and I don’t even know you! I have been praying for you to have a healthy pregnancy that glorifies the Lord in every way! And let me just say that when I found your blog I read all of your posts in a day, and then e-mailed the link to friends. It is truly the most encouraging and inspiring blog I’ve ever read! If we lived closer I’d probably demand that we meet 🙂 Also, I love how much you use mustard yellow! Even though I got married in March, I bought your e-book anyways and have loved it so far! Thank you for letting the Lord use you and for living such a beautiful life!

  11. “Unfulfilled longings are material for sacrifice.” I love Elizabeth Elliot! I’m keeping that quote in mind as I wait in different areas. God is faithful in the wait! Congrats on your little nugget!

  12. “Unfulfilled longings are material for sacrifice.” I love Elizabeth Elliot! I’m keeping that quote in mind as I wait in different areas. God is faithful in the wait! Congrats on your little nugget!

  13. bahahaha I LOVE chick fila too!Congratulations Gretchen!! God bless your little nugget 🙂

  14. Kola says:

    bahahaha I LOVE chick fila too!Congratulations Gretchen!! God bless your little nugget 🙂

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