
February 14, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

“There is no man on the face of the earth who can satisfy the deepest longings of a woman’s heart–God made us in such a way that we can never be truly satisfied with anything or anyone less than Himself.”

~Nancy Leigh DeMoss

I have only had a “Valentine” for three years, this year being my third. For 21 years of my life the most I got for Valentine’s Day was a letter from my parents, maybe a dinner with my sweet daddy, and that one time in the 5th grade a boy gave me a beanie baby (which I later threw away because I was so embarrassed). Each year the day came I would dream of what it would be like to have a true Valentine one day! Yet in those twenty-one years of being without a Valentine, I learned a truth that has completely altered my life and my marriage: Jesus is my satisfaction.

Photo by Nancy RayBefore I met my precious husband, I dreamed of a man riding up to me on a white horse and us falling in love at first sight. As a little girl I would sleep in a princess night gown (which really was a long-sleeved pink turtle neck dress), and lay in bed with the covers perfectly folded over and my hands clasped just in case my prince came to save me. I obviously watched “Sleeping Beauty” one too many times. When I gave my life to Jesus at the age of seven, my nightly routine changed a little bit. I would sing myself to sleep making up love songs to my Savior. These songs weren’t eloquent by any means and I can’t even remember many of the lyrics, but I do know that as I sang, I fell more and more in love with the man who died on the cross and rescued me from my misery and sin.

For many of us, the thing most precious to our hearts that we hold on so tightly to is our love story. I longed for God to hurry up and write mine during my years of singleness and waiting (and there are many women who are still single and waiting). More than anything, I wanted God to fulfill this desire. Jesus, in His excellent sovereignty and perfect love, gave up His very life so that I could live. I held so tightly to my dream for a future husband and a Valentine that I didn’t want to let it go for fear of losing it forever.

That’s when I came to Mark 14:3-9. The story that has changed everything. In the story, Jesus was reclining at a table in Betheny when a woman came up to him and poured very costly perfume onto his head. The disciples quickly rebuked her for “wasting” this precious ointment. Jesus replies in response to their chastising, “Leave her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me.” (Mark 14:6) Wow. Don’t you think this woman considered this perfume of precious worth? Don’t you think she had a moment of wondering how to use it? Yet she knew Jesus’ worth. She didn’t hold this costly possession with a tight grip. Rather, she saw that Jesus’ value and love far exceeded the value of her perfume. She was fully satisfied in giving up this possession for the joy of worshipping Jesus.

Photo by Nancy Ray

I long to be a woman known for doing “beautiful things” for Jesus. The word beautiful here means “purity of heart, praiseworthy, excellent, precious, useful and approved.” Matthew Henry said “do we give him the precious ointments of our best affections?” We were created for a life of beautiful acts of worship for our Savior. We can never out-thank Him for giving up His own life so we might be found.

There is no man on earth who can satisfy our unfulfilled longings like Jesus can. My husband is an incredible gift, a man after God’s own heart and a warrior for the gospel. However, he can never fully satisfy all of my needs. He is human, too. We both run to Jesus. We both know we must give Jesus what is “costly” to us, for to pour our best onto Jesus is to be filled up with an irresistible joy.

Wherever you are on your journey today, what “beautiful thing” can you do for Jesus?

It may look unusual to the world around you. It may cost a great price, but I guarantee, it will be worth the sacrifice. I pray that whether you are single or married, widowed or divorced, that you would see Christ clearly today. I pray against any feelings of insecurity, doubt or worthlessness. I pray that you would know deeply, through and through, that your Savior loves you.

Your Sister,


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  1. says:

    How I admire you. You are wise beyond your years. Your love for our Savior is beyond measure. I know your parents are so proud of you & I would say your grandpa had a lot of influence in your life!Luv u two

    A beautiful story!!!!!!

    • says:

      Love you, too! I am praying for y’all and know that God is going to take care of you! You are such an encouragement to me!

  2. Tommie Halford says:

    How I admire you. You are wise beyond your years. Your love for our Savior is beyond measure. I know your parents are so proud of you & I would say your grandpa had a lot of influence in your life!Luv u two

    A beautiful story!!!!!!

    • gretchensaffles says:

      Love you, too! I am praying for y’all and know that God is going to take care of you! You are such an encouragement to me!

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