Proverbs 31: Women of Dignity, Washed in Grace

February 29, 2016  - By Gretchen Saffles

On Tuesday, March 1st, we will begin studying the Proverbs 31 woman together. Who is she? How does her life affect the way that we live? For too long “she” had been viewed as the “perfect” woman and deemed to be a list of do’s to check off. As we dive into who this woman is, we will learn that she is more than a checklist, she is a way of life and she lives a fruitful life in light of Who her God is. She is a woman of dignity who has been washed in His grace.

I will be leading this study on Periscope and Instagram throughout the month of March. If you are joining in the study, here is the breakdown and how you can participate in this online study with the LLB community:

  • March 1st – Complete the “behind the chapter” and day 1 of the study. We will discuss both sections on Periscope! 
  • March 2-5 – Complete days 2-5 of week 1 and watch the periscope for additional discussion.
  • March 6th – Rest + Reflect on what you have learned.
  • March 7-11 – Complete Week 2, days 1-5 and watch the periscope each day for additional discussion.
  • March 12-13 – Rest + Reflect on what you have learned.
  • March 14-18 – Complete Week 3, days 1-5 and watch the periscope each day for additional discussion.
  • March 19-20 – Rest + Reflect on what you have learned.
  • March 21-25 – Complete Week 4, days 1-5 and watch the periscope each day for additional discussion.
  • March 26-27 – Rest + Reflect on what you have learned.
  • March 28-April 1 – Complete Week 5, days 1-5 and watch the periscope each day for additional discussion. We will close out our study on April 1st!

If you haven’t purchased your workbook for the study yet, you can find it here!

If you miss the periscope live, you can watch is 24 hours after it is recorded or you can find it here later! I will share encouraging reminders of truth on the @LLBshop Instagram each morning as well that you can repost or comment on and share what God is teaching you as well!

Introduce yourself below if you are joining in the study! Share your name, where you are from, and what you are desiring to learn from the Lord during this month of study and reflection!

I can’t wait to dig into the Word with you all. This is the greatest privilege! I am praying God does a mighty work in our hearts for His glory and that He washes us daily in the goodness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

your sister, 

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  1. says:

    Hi I’m Jen! I live in Utah and actually bought this beautifully written GUIs about a month ago and have slowly delved into it. I’m excited to pick it back up with you girls and discuss it together for the month of March! I was initially drawn to this study because I have struggled personally with what my life should look like as a Godly wife and Godly parent. I end up feeling like I always fall short of my expectations and it has been comforting to read more about God’s unswerving love and grace through this study.

    Peace and love!
    Instagram @jensprettylittlepaints

  2. says:

    Hi I’m Averi! I’m in Abilene, TX and I’m excited to learn how to better find my identity in Christ, not through other people. I’ve always struggled with feeling like enough and I think this study will help me see how to live out a life focused on being a woman of God.

  3. Taylor Hill says:

    I’m Taylor and I’m from western Kentucky 😊 I have followed the well watered women study and have really began actually wanting to pick up my own fork and study the word. I want to keep that going, learn more about women in the bible, and learn just how the proverbs 31 woman relates to me today. I am excited!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    I am Karen from Ohio. How does one participate in the Periscope live? I’m new to all this. 😊

  5. Jacqueline Abernathy says:

    Hi! My name is Jacqueline and I live in Marietta, Georgia. I am so looking forward to this study, and hope to be transformed more into the woman God designed me to be and abide in my true identity as a woman of God.

  6. Eslai says:

    Hi :), my name is Eslai from San Diego California and I’ve actually been wanting to do this book for a really long time! I even have it already. I’m really thankful that you are going through this book, I also have the well watered woman and i wasnt able to do it with you guys but its just what God led me to. What time or how does periscope work? Thanks & God bless!

  7. says:

    This is my first LLB study and I’m so excited to join you all 🙂 Whitney from Kansas City!

  8. Heather Jiles says:

    I am excited to jump into this this month! I am hoping to gain greater insight on what it looks like to be a woman of God. I am Heather from Columbus, Georgia.

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