Our March Coffee Date

March 31, 2023  - By Well-Watered Women

Our March Coffee Date - an article from Well-Watered Women


We meet under towering oak trees, blankets sprawled across the grass, babies babbling, and toddlers playing in the sandbox nearby. I’m makeup-free with a hat on to hide my unkempt hair, and there’s a good chance I ran out of time to brush my teeth as I scrambled to make it in time. But I’m here. 

Here in the middle of my neighborhood with fellow sisters in Christ, showing up just as we are, to seek Jesus together. Here in the middle of my week, breaking the steady flow of busyness to be still alongside friends who also stopped to study the Word. Here in the middle of my story—the in-process, in-between, uncomfortable, and sanctifying pages that are being scribbled each moment. 

There’s no denying it. I am refreshed in Christ by fellowship with other believers—even when my prideful soul balks at showing up, when my schedule tries to convince me I’m too busy, when my shame chides me and tells me to hide my faults from others. My stubborn pride makes me try to live independently, as if I don’t need the help or encouragement of others. I have excuses piled high as to why I don’t have time for fellowship, but my experience has proven time and time again that joy comes not from doing life alone but from depending on God as I am refreshed by fellow believers. I’ve learned the hard way that we aren’t made to journey the twists and turns of life on our own. We are made for gospel-centered fellowship.

The simple act of meeting together, whether seated on a patch of shaded grass, in a church pew, on your friend’s couch, or in a local coffee shop, is, by God’s design, a means of refreshing our souls. As we listen to each other's stories, weeping tears of grief when sorrow befalls our friends and rejoicing in laughter with hugs of gratitude when prayers are answered, we experience the grace and mercy of Jesus—his hands and feet made evident in the body of Christ. Our gathering together becomes a form of linking arms through lives shared because we know that in Christ, we truly are better together.






If my sinfulness appears to me to be in any way smaller or less detestable in comparison with the sins of others, I am still not recognizing my sinfulness at all. —Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Life Together



Podcasts, Bible teaching, and worship songs we’re loving lately

A friend recently sent me a video she watched on TikTok about the end times. The video creator spoke from a book she considered to be a part of the Bible, but I’d never heard of it. We had a great conversation about why certain books were included in the biblical canon while others weren’t. Recently, Dr. Michael Kruger visited my church and taught a session called How Did We Get the Bible? May we keep learning about our faith, growing in discernment, and rooting ourselves in God’s unchanging Word. —Gretchen, Founder

I recently encountered the darkness of fear, sorrow, and tragedy, and the Spirit used this line from 2 Peter 1:19 to comfort and exhort my heart: “And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.” Desperate for a lamp to shine in this dark place, I began listening to Kristyn Getty read the prophets on the ESV Bible app. Hearing God’s message (in a glorious Irish accent) to his people—both the rebellious and the fearful—has helped me see God’s reality in my present darkness. —Lauren, Theology and Content Editor

“I Am Not My Own” by Skye Peterson and Keith & Kristyn Getty

“Better Than Life (Psalm 63)” by Caroline Cobb

“No Place Better (Psalm 84)” by Caroline Cobb

And don’t miss our new Refreshed playlist inspired by our new Refreshed devotional.



Books, articles, and emails we’re loving lately

James K. A. Smith introduces his new book, How to Inhabit Time, by describing it as “an awareness that dawns” rather than “an argument that can be grasped or a formula that can be repeated,” and I concur. His rich prose and depth of philosophical insight proved to be a sunrise in my understanding, answering questions I didn’t realize I had and enabling me to grieve and accept and appreciate what it is to be a creature of mortality, living in history with a history in light of eternity’s hero who came in the fullness of time. —Lauren, Theology and Content Editor

My deepest spiritual growth at my vibrant Christian university came in my literature classes. In a world where words come and go like the wind and take little effort to understand, there is something about studying the works of saints of old that both challenges your mind and deepens your faith. So I was delighted to get Poetry of Redemption: An Illustrated Treasury of Good Friday and Easter Poems by Leland Ryken to read during the weeks before Easter. Whether you’re a fellow English major or feel completely overwhelmed by poetry, Ryken’s helpful explanations after each poem will help you see the beauty of your Savior. —Maggie, Content Director



Lithos Kids recently released The Kingdom of God Bible Storybook which traces the kingdom of God narrative from Genesis to Revelation. After writing Crown Him King: A Study on the Kingdom of God, I was delighted to see a resource created to teach kids this central message of Scripture. When I received our storybook set in the mail, I was blown away by the beauty, content, and quality of this resource! My neighborhood Bible study group is planning on going through Crown Him King, and I’ll be using The Kingdom of God Bible Storybook and the Well-Watered Kids Crown Him King Card Game with my children! Use the code WELLWATERED10 to receive 10% off any resources at Lithos Kids! —Gretchen, Founder


Try using Refreshed: A Devotional for Women in Dry Seasons in fellowship with other women. Gather a group of women locally, set up a weekly Voxer discussion with long-distance friends, or join our NEW Refreshed Facebook Community Group with your friends or on your own! As we learn about God through his Word in community with other believers, we can sharpen each other and grow in confidence in the faithfulness of our Savior. 


*We love sharing resource recommendations with you! However, when we recommend a resource, please keep in mind that we are not endorsing people or ministries in their entirety. We do our best to recommend solid content, but the only infallible endorsement we offer is of the Word of God!

*This article contains affiliate links.

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