Our July Coffee Date

July 28, 2023  - By Well-Watered Women

Well-Watered Women Coffee Date

A Note from Lauren

Picture the perfect first morning of a beach vacation: a restful yawn before the dawn, a Bible open for meditation, eyes scanning the horizon for the rising of the sun. But the baby starts crying at 5:00 am, and the big kids join the chorus shortly after. The husband sets them loose and invades what quiet was left while the coffee finally begins to brew. Instead of starting my morning with worship, sin rushes from my heart before the sun comes up.

What I think I need is in that picturesque but implausible morning. What God knows I need is to be rescued from my own darkness. He sent the perfect circumstances that, like an Old Testament prophet, expose my heart and make me desperate for him. I find my way outside, followed by sets of little feet. I close my eyes and hear the question I've been meditating on from the book of Micah—Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression?—in my own voice in a tone of grief and awe. I flip the pages of my Bible to Micah 7:18–19, aching for the answer: 


He does not retain his anger forever,

    because he delights in steadfast love.

He will again have compassion on us;

    he will tread our iniquities underfoot.

You will cast all our sins

    into the depths of the sea.


There is no god like our God. The God who once cast the enemies of his people into the Red Sea promises to do the same with our sins. I look up with glossy eyes to see the top of a robust orange circle gleaming over the ocean—the lighted sea that will drown all my sin. The beauty sobers me, because even more stunning than what a picture might capture is the God who used the image as his picture with his Word to speak hope of his redemption in Jesus Christ into my heart.


Hearing and hoping,


Theology Editor


P.S. Experience God’s living and active Word with our new Bible study, Micah: Hear and Hope in God’s Word.


A Word of Encouragement

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. —C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity


Fill Your Ears with Truth

Podcasts, Bible teaching, and worship songs we’re loving lately 

“To God be the Glory” by Christ Covenant Music 

"Heart Full Of Praise" by Phil Wickham

I had the privilege of listening to Nancy Guthrie’s talk, Putting Passion and Personality into Your Teaching, in person last year at The Gospel Coalition’s Women’s Conference, and I’ve relistened to it many times since. Nancy gives twelve practical suggestions to help communicate the gospel and teach the Word of God clearly and with passion. God’s Word is powerful and never returns void, but all teachers must also work to communicate the Word of God in an engaging way that resonates with our listeners. —Whitney, President + CFO

One of the worship leaders at my church recently released SHEMA vol. 1 and SHEMA vol. 2, consisting of Scripture set to song. The songs are intentionally slow and repetitive, inviting you to slow down and really shema (Hebrew for hear) God's Word. I've had both volumes on repeat lately as a way to help me meditate on these verses, and I've often caught myself singing them from memory when I need these truths to reorient my heart as I go about my day. If you got our newly-released Micah Bible study, don't miss Justice (Micah 6.8) to help you memorize and meditate on this verse. —Abbey, Content Editor


Read-A-Mentor Recommendations

Books, articles, and emails we’re loving lately

Liturgies for Hope: Sixty Prayers for the Highs, the Lows, and Everything in Between by Audrey Elledge and Elizabeth Moore is a collection of liturgical prayers written by two women living in New York City during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its pages are filled with beautiful language that puts words to the questions, feelings, and longings we have that God alone brings hope and healing to. —Macie, Marketing Director


A Resource We Recommend

Good News: How to Know the Gospel and Live It, a Bible study for teen girls from our friend Caroline Saunders, teaches the doctrine of salvation while helping girls understand the impact that the gospel has on their everyday struggles. Caroline is both funny and informative, sharing her infectious passion for God and his Word. —Maggie, Content Director


A Well-Watered Women Resource

Hope can’t be found within us and hope can’t be found without God. Turn your gaze upward rather than inward or outward and see God’s faithfulness and forgiveness as your hope and salvation as you use our new Bible study, Micah: Hear and Hope in God’s Word.


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*We love sharing resource recommendations with you! However, when we recommend a resource, please keep in mind that we are not endorsing people or ministries in their entirety. We do our best to recommend solid content, but the only infallible endorsement we offer is of the Word of God!

*This article contains affiliate links.

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