Our April Coffee Date

April 28, 2023  - By Well-Watered Women

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Idol worship creeps into our hearts quickly. The phones we believe we must have by our sides at all times, the profiles we strive to build and maintain, the portfolios we work tirelessly to improve, the people we think we must know and be loved by in order to be important—all these things become idols when they take the place of God on the throne of our hearts.

Misplaced worship can look like having hearts full of fear and feeling overwhelmed by the state of society because our eyes have shifted from resting in God’s kingly rule to fretting over the wayward rule of man. It can also look like obsessing over what we believe will bring us happiness, contentment, and peace as we look to people, places, and things to satisfy our deepest desires. 

When we’re tempted by the idols of this world, we’re missing the glories of the kingdom of God. In the Old Testament, the Israelites frequently turned from God’s kingship over them to worship man-made idols and find their hope in earthly kings. Their misplaced worship led them to disobedience and eventual judgment. But God continually drew his people back to his heart, showing them his kingly rule and reign. 

He does the same for us. When our hearts begin to cling to the things of this world for hope and assurance or when our minds become wrapped up in worry over what will happen tomorrow, God draws us to his throne of grace to worship him alone and find rest for our weary souls. 

Christ died to deliver us from the domain of darkness and transfer us to his eternal kingdom (Col. 1:13). When we fix our gaze on our King who rules at all times in all things and is delivering us, his people, out of darkness and into his glorious kingdom, our hearts reorient around his throne, and we worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). 

Eyes on the King,





If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be in the last place the remainder of the day. —E.M. Bounds in Power Through Prayer



Podcasts, Bible teaching, and worship songs we’re loving lately 

After walking through a particularly hard season of parenting, I came across a podcast on gospel-shaped parenthood by Paul Tripp that caught my attention. I initially listened to it with the hopes that it would provide wisdom and clarity for how to effectively parent my children, and while it did provide some practical advice, more than that, the Holy Spirit used it to convict me of my own shortcomings and sinfulness. Tripp helped me see that parenting issues are heart issues, and in seeing my own sin first and foremost, the Lord gives wisdom for how to help my kids see heart issues as well. —Whitney, President

The Ology: Ancient Truths Ever New is not your average kids album. I sometimes find myself listening to these songs when my kids aren’t even in the car. Sovereign Grace Music takes complex theological truths and simplifies them for kids (and adults) in a profound and worshipful way. —Whitney, President

"Psalm 19" by Jess Ray

"He's Always Been Faithful" by Sara Groves

“How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” by Seeker & Servant



Books, articles, and emails we’re loving lately

J. I. Packer explores Paul’s source of strength in his apparent weakness in his book Weakness Is the Way: Life with Christ Our Strength. By looking more closely at the dimensions of 2 Corinthians, Packer helps those of us who resist feelings of weakness and the sense of shame often associated with it to find strength by embracing the treasure of Christ, his grace, and the glory that awaits us. —Lauren, Theology and Content Editor



My friend Phylicia has the unique ability to unpack deep theological doctrines and explain them in an understandable and accessible way. Rather than telling readers what to believe, Phylicia lays out the varying main viewpoints within orthodoxy and encourages women to be students of Scripture rather than mere hearers of another’s opinion. Every Woman a Theologian will benefit Christ-followers both young and old in age and spiritual maturity. —Gretchen, Founder



The concept of the kingdom of God unfolds throughout all of Scripture, beginning in Genesis 1 and ending in Revelation 22. Like an unbreakable chain, this framework helps us understand who God is, who we are, and what his eternal purposes are as revealed to us in both the Old and New Testaments. Find Crown Him King in the Well-Watered Co. today!



*We love sharing resource recommendations with you! However, when we recommend a resource, please keep in mind that we are not endorsing people or ministries in their entirety. We do our best to recommend solid content, but the only infallible endorsement we offer is of the Word of God!

*This article contains affiliate links.

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