Love Never Fails

February 11, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

I met my future husband in a way I could have never dreamed up or imagined. I met him at middle school camp. However, we weren’t in our awkward middle school years, it was just two years ago in 2012. I left my family and friends to move to Tennessee and intern at Long Hollow Baptist Church with their middle school ministry. Little did I know, my life would change that summer and I would begin to see how the pieces in the puzzle of my life were fitting together to create a beautiful masterpiece of God’s glory.
paint fight

In middle school, I committed to the Lord that I wouldn’t date anyone until I knew they were “the one” I would marry. That’s definitely a bold prayer to be made by a 7th grader! However, in that moment it was very clear that God was calling me to wait on Him to provide. Needless to say, I didn’t date in middle school, high school or college. That’s not to say I never was interested in a boy or my heart didn’t ache to meet who I would marry. God continually made it clear that the people I had met weren’t who I should give my heart to.

Every February 14th Valentine’s Day came and went, leaving me without a Valentine, without flowers and without chocolate. In those lonely moments that usually led me to compare myself to others, the Lord began teaching me a lesson that is far more valuable than any earthly Valentine could give. He was opening my eyes to truth that Jesus is my One, True Love. I knew that He loved me and that He died on the cross for me, but I hadn’t realized how fervent and deep that love really was. I didn’t truly believe that Jesus is enough for me.

It took me years of waiting and wishing the moment would come for me to meet my future husband for me to realize that meeting him wouldn’t solve all of my problems. If I didn’t truly believe that Jesus was enough for me without a husband, how would I ever believe it with one? He gently showed me that I lived my life as if a husband would fulfill all of my desires when truly ONLY Jesus can.

Love Never FailsThere’s only one love that will never fail. It was proven to us on the cross where Jesus willingly suffered and shed His blood that we might have a relationship with Him. THAT is the greatest love story of all! The love story of our suffering Savior is not a clean one. He was beaten, bloody and bruised for us. But He didn’t stay that way forever. He rose from the dead and is alive today! He defeated death once and for all. Just like this canvas that has paint splattered onto it in every way, so does His unending love cover your sins, your discontentment and your aching heart.

True love is about falling deeply in love with Jesus. He longs for us to find our joy, worth and contentment in Him. When we do, we can watch Him work in marvelous ways in our lives that are too good for us to understand!

Now, let’s go back to the masterpiece God painted at middle school camp in 2012.  I met my husband in the most unlikely way. I was interning and he was working at camp. The moment I met him I knew there was something so different about him. It was in the way he looked at me, honored me and took great interest in me. I noticed how he worshipped the Lord as if He were the only one in the room. I noticed how his eyes displayed pure, tender compassion and love for Jesus. After we became friends, he began to pray for me, pursue me and wait for me. In many ways, he sacrificed his own needs for mine and showed me more about the love of Jesus. (again, read about our entire love story at

Love Never FailsI never could have imagined the love story God was painting for me as I grew up. I didn’t know when, where or how I would meet my future husband when I was in the 7th grade. I did know that God is faithful and more creative than we are. Even when we have a canvas in front of us with paint splattered all over it and we just can’t seem to make sense of what the painting will be, we can know it’s going to be a great one.

God is always painting something beautiful out of our mess. He is working good through harm. He holds the very tears we cry in a bottle. He knows us and loves us well. Whether you have a Valentine this year or not, know that there is non who can compare to Jesus. His love never falters and it never fails. As you journey with the Lord and look at the canvas of your life He is painting on, I pray you see and believe these three simple words:

Love Never Fails



To enter into the Life Lived Beautifully giveaway, simply comment below with an encouraging verse on love! Share what the love of Jesus means to you for a chance to win a hand-made LOVE necklace and Starbuck’s gift card!

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  1. says:

    “We can love because Gid first loved us, for God IS love! He sent His Son into the world (to die on a cross) so that we might Live THROUGH Him!!” 1 John 4:7-10. I love what this verse means! It says that without God, there would be no love in the first place! His love was SO GREAT that He sent His Son, knowing He was going to die the worst kind of death He could, but still willing to give Him up for US because His love for us was just that great, just that DEEP, so that we could follow His perfect example and so we could Live THROUGH Him!!! What a blessing God gave us! What a GIFT did we receive from Him! That’s the best Valentine’s gift I’ve EVER gotten!!!

    • says:

      Julianna, I LOVE what you wrote! It is so beautiful to see all that God is teaching you:) That definitely is the best Valentine’s gift you’ve ever gotten! Beautifully put my sweet sister in Christ!

  2. Julianna Steen says:

    “We can love because Gid first loved us, for God IS love! He sent His Son into the world (to die on a cross) so that we might Live THROUGH Him!!” 1 John 4:7-10. I love what this verse means! It says that without God, there would be no love in the first place! His love was SO GREAT that He sent His Son, knowing He was going to die the worst kind of death He could, but still willing to give Him up for US because His love for us was just that great, just that DEEP, so that we could follow His perfect example and so we could Live THROUGH Him!!! What a blessing God gave us! What a GIFT did we receive from Him! That’s the best Valentine’s gift I’ve EVER gotten!!!

    • gretchensaffles says:

      Julianna, I LOVE what you wrote! It is so beautiful to see all that God is teaching you:) That definitely is the best Valentine’s gift you’ve ever gotten! Beautifully put my sweet sister in Christ!

  3. says:

    Beautiful and true words, Gretchen! It’s hard to think about just one verse on love because the whole bible is about the love of God and his redemption! Hmmm…. One I go back to time and again is Romans 8:38-39NOTHING can separate us from God’s love IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD! If God is for us who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but freely gave Him up for us all, how will he not also give us everything else? How dare I question God’s love when I meditate on the gospel of Christ?

    • says:

      Tracey, I love this! I love hearing your heart and all that God is teaching you. It never ceases to encourage me and make me feel like I know you! (even though we have never met:) My husband and I are working on memorizing Romans 8 and the words are just coming alive! I love it! You are a dear friend!

  4. Tracey Oliver says:

    Beautiful and true words, Gretchen! It’s hard to think about just one verse on love because the whole bible is about the love of God and his redemption! Hmmm…. One I go back to time and again is Romans 8:38-39NOTHING can separate us from God’s love IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD! If God is for us who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but freely gave Him up for us all, how will he not also give us everything else? How dare I question God’s love when I meditate on the gospel of Christ?

    • gretchensaffles says:

      Tracey, I love this! I love hearing your heart and all that God is teaching you. It never ceases to encourage me and make me feel like I know you! (even though we have never met:) My husband and I are working on memorizing Romans 8 and the words are just coming alive! I love it! You are a dear friend!

  5. says:

    Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction,and faithful in prayer. I believe so many people including myself read verses without really thinking about the real truth in them. In the past few weeks, I believe God has really convicted me to really let myself, the world and my past before these few weeks go. Because he is ready to truly change my life. I’ve really been learning in spite of anything that may be going on, our God is GREATER. Do not be satisfied with the world and the sinful people living in it is a HUGE truth God has placed on my heart these past two weeks. I’ve learned to only be satisfied with Jesus for he is the only one that is worthy. I truly love how God has radically changed your life. Your story has seriously been my inspiration! I really pray every day I will love Jesus with a faithful heart as much as you do!!

    • says:

      Alyssa, I absolutely love what you wrote! Our God IS greater and worth more than anything this world can offer! I love hearing all that God is teaching you. It is so beautiful:) Keep pursuing Jesus with everything that you have! He is worth it!

  6. Alyssa Hartley says:

    Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction,and faithful in prayer. I believe so many people including myself read verses without really thinking about the real truth in them. In the past few weeks, I believe God has really convicted me to really let myself, the world and my past before these few weeks go. Because he is ready to truly change my life. I’ve really been learning in spite of anything that may be going on, our God is GREATER. Do not be satisfied with the world and the sinful people living in it is a HUGE truth God has placed on my heart these past two weeks. I’ve learned to only be satisfied with Jesus for he is the only one that is worthy. I truly love how God has radically changed your life. Your story has seriously been my inspiration! I really pray every day I will love Jesus with a faithful heart as much as you do!!

    • gretchensaffles says:

      Alyssa, I absolutely love what you wrote! Our God IS greater and worth more than anything this world can offer! I love hearing all that God is teaching you. It is so beautiful:) Keep pursuing Jesus with everything that you have! He is worth it!

  7. I recently discovered your blog and I’m already so grateful for your heart. This post was such an encouragement and a beautiful reminder. As a young single woman, the Lord has really been reminding me during this season that I am to be deeply rooted in Him. I’m learning daily that my joy and identity are sourced from being in Christ. That is the foundation for all of the relationships that I have whether they be with family, friends, my future hubby, etc. Thank you for sharing your heart and part of your story! I’m excited to follow along from now on. 🙂

    • says:

      Samantha, your comment just made my day! My heart is for single women, because I was recently there and know the aches and pains you feel. And I also have seen the Lord be faithful…faithful even in teaching me that HE is enough for me and HE is the perfect Husband. Knowing this has greatly affected my marriage today! Jesus is my satisfaction. And He is painting a beautiful picture through your life that shows His unfailing love! Thank you, sweet sister! I am on this journey of loving our Savior more with you! Praying for you today!

  8. Samantha says:

    I recently discovered your blog and I’m already so grateful for your heart. This post was such an encouragement and a beautiful reminder. As a young single woman, the Lord has really been reminding me during this season that I am to be deeply rooted in Him. I’m learning daily that my joy and identity are sourced from being in Christ. That is the foundation for all of the relationships that I have whether they be with family, friends, my future hubby, etc. Thank you for sharing your heart and part of your story! I’m excited to follow along from now on. 🙂

    • gretchensaffles says:

      Samantha, your comment just made my day! My heart is for single women, because I was recently there and know the aches and pains you feel. And I also have seen the Lord be faithful…faithful even in teaching me that HE is enough for me and HE is the perfect Husband. Knowing this has greatly affected my marriage today! Jesus is my satisfaction. And He is painting a beautiful picture through your life that shows His unfailing love! Thank you, sweet sister! I am on this journey of loving our Savior more with you! Praying for you today!

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